Chapter Four:

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Mi-Chi's POV

I went to my closet pulling out a black long sleeve shirt and a black skirt that had two white striped on the bottom. I stripped my nightclothes off my body, sliding the shirt over my head. I pulled the sleeves off the shoulder, I slid on fishnet tights, black shorts and than the black skirt, then putting on putting above the knee high socks (First outfit in media). Sliding my white vans on, I slip a few rings on my fingers. I walked into the bathroom brushing my messy hair and then brushing my teeth. Still seeing my long natural hair a little wild. I smirked looking at myself in the mirror, grabbing my mascara applying it, as well as winged eyes liner, grabbing the dark red lipstick that was unopen. Opening it as I apply it to my lips. Looking at my self in the mirror I nod in approval. Grabbing a small purse sliding my mask inside as well as my keys and wallet, and eyeliner. I grab my phone and earbuds, sliding them in my ears as I played my playlist. I started walking out of my apartment.

Byung-Hee's POV

"I wonder what my muse is up too," I say laying on the bed smiling to myself thinking of the siren girl.

"Since she danced with you last night, did you get any new lyrics?" my best friend Ji-Hyuk questioned

"I have a few but it's not over, I need to see her again." I sit up running my hand through my hair

"Well find a muse to use until we find your actual muse," Hyun-Soo says eating ramen,

"Guys! Guys! We have a hot new neighbor!" Kyung-Jong yells running into the house, we all stood up rushing out. Only seeing the top of her head as she went down the stairs.

"You guys should've seen her dancing, it was so hypnotizing," Kyung-Jong said we all look at each other nodding pushing each other as we all ran down the stairs. All of us stood in the street seeing a girl wearing a black dress that reached to her mid-thigh. Her long hair moving with her body, she danced spinning around, none of us saw her face, just her hair moving with her movement.

"Okay, guys let's go get our stuff and hurry and follow her. That will be my muse until we find the siren." I say as we all rush up the stairs.

Mi-Chi's POV

I walked down the street going to the stands. Looking at the vegetables,

"Ma'am, can I get three tomatoes, one cucumber, two carrots, an onion and two heads of lettuce please?" She smiled nodding at me

"That'd be 8000won." I grabbed my wallet out of my bag, I pulled out the cash handing her some, giving me the plastic bag. I bowed to her smiling.

"Have a good day ma'am," I say smiling

"You too young lady," She says waving as I waved back, I sent a few stands seeing all the fruits.

"Do you see something you like?" I looked up seeing a male around my age, I smiled nodding

"Can I get a bag of the cherries, strawberries, grapes, four oranges and a thing of banana's as well as a pineapple?"

"Can I get your number?" He asked as he started bagging the fruits

"Maybe," I say smirking, I take out my wallet and a pen. I take out the cash, and a random paper I had in my wallet. I wrote my number down, sliding the pen in my bag.

"That'd be 9500won." He says giving me the two bags, I put them on my arm handing him the cash.

"So that number." He says leaning towards me

"You ask for my number without giving me a name," I say smiling innocently

"I'm Ru Ji-Ying." He says smiling as he rested his head on his hand

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