Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mi-Chi's POV

A month has passed, the guys never texted me. And on top of that I was on tour with the boys. The month was nothing but drinking, practice, dress rehearsal, practice, practice, and more practice. We are in our tour bus now, the guys are doing whatever, I am sitting by thew window looking at the things we are driving passed as music blasted through my headphones. That dream I keep having when I first became the Siren and than the week later, keep replaying. But I'd keep waking up, and I haven't gotten sleep because of it. I was sleeping sleepless sleep. I just want to know who those people are. Their faces blurred out, their voice roaming in my head as I try to find them. The only thing I have of theirs, is the leather jacket, that now somewhat fits me. Still a little large but it's warm and comfy. Actually I am wearing it now, the smell, still on it from when I first had it. The smell of cologne and cigarettes. The cologne was cheap but still smelled better than the expensive shit and the cigarettes gave it more of a human smell. The smell was so familiar but couldn't think of where I've smelled cheap cologne and cigarettes before.  Ugh this is so annoying, I just want to know who they are...I want to thank them and tell them I am in depth for to them for saving me from everything.  For helping me not be afraid to let go and just rock.

Listening to the music, I start humming not realizing I had started to sing to myself.

Mark's POV

The guys and I were playing video games, laughing but we stopped once we heard Mi sing. We all looked at her seeing the headphones covering her ears, and she stared out the window wearing and large leather jacket.
I felt guilt roaming through my body. For some reason her singing that song made me feel guilty. I shrugged it off continuing to play the game but I still listen to her.

We are going to Korea at the end of the month. Is she going to try to see them?

Yugyeom's POV

I still looked at Mi, even though she had now stopped singing. I want to tell her. I want to tell her to run to them. And don't look back here. She isn't happy with us. The photo of Mi as her lockscreen was happy when she was happy. But my lockscreen of her and the rest of the guys, she might be smiling but she isn't happy.

Yugyeom's POV

Each week we had five concerts in different locations. All of us in a hotel or on the bus. And I could always here Mi's music playing through the headphones she never takes off. She is always listening to music and writing her own, not ever smiling or laughing.  I can't take it. Next week we are going to Korea. I am going to tell her then. I heard the door open, which caused me to glance over only to see Mi sneaking out, wearing the same leather jacket the freaks of cheap cologne and cigarettes.

I stood up and quietly followed but once I was in the hallway she was nowhere in sight. So I started walking outside of the hotel. Until I saw her going towards the stairs. Quietly following her, until it stopped and we were on the roof.
She was staring at the stars.

Byung-hee's POV

"Byung-hee. You haven't been focusing lately. What the hell is happening dude?" Ji-Hyuk asks me, I sigh.

"Just tired." I lied, in honesty wherever I go I hear talk about Siren. I hear her on the radio. And it doesn't help when I go to certain places I see her.

"Let's just take a break." Hyun-soo says, I nod walking out. I start walking to the convenience store buying a case of bear. Once I left the store and continues walking, I had already began drinking it, one by one. Until I was on the corner of a crosswalk, I saw the guys looking at me worriedly.

'Byung-hee!' I turned my head seeing Mi running towards me wearing white skinny Jean's and a pink shirt. This was the day I was going to get a new drummer for Do-Il also they day I was going to meet Siren.

Watching her run passed me to another version of me, seeing her pull me as we were on the ground. 

"Byung-hee!" I heard the guys yell

"Aye stay with me." I saw Mi looking at me tears filling her eyes. I remember laying on her thighs, tears filling into her green eyes. She looked beautiful...

She didn't care that blood was on her hands, or on her clothes. She just wanted to know I was okay...

Is she okay?

Is she enjoying her new life?

I hadn't notice I drank every single beer, and was sitting on the ground only seeing Mi holding me. Her voice fading, her face looking like it's ready to break down in tears.

Yugyeom's POV

We are finally in Korea. And Mi hasn't talked to any of us, slept or ate since we arrived.  I can't take this, I watched her walk out the hotel room.

"Guys I'll be back." I rushed out after her only to see her walking out the hotel. I put my hood on following her. It was night time, and she was just walking looking around. A few times she stopped and focused on one area.

As we continued to walk for about an hour she had stopped, her body tensed up.

"B-byung-hee." She mumbled I looked across the street to see a guy who was sitting on the ground, covered in bandages. Before he fell and just laid there.

I stood there frozen seeing her quickly rush to his side.

"Byung-hee. Wake up!" She yelled her eyes filling with tears. I saw his eyes open as a smile on his face.

"It's you..." his words slurring.

"Aish, you'd think you'd learn not to drink...why are you getting in fights..."

I watched her sit him up, as his head moved around as he smiled.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked her drunky leaning foreward. She looked at him giving a small smile.

"Yeah..." she mumbles

"I'm in love with this girl who is perfect.  She matched my crazy. She had great taste in music and clothes..."

She stood there looking at him with a sad smile.

"Let's get you home..." she stood up wrapping one of his arms around her shoulder and started walking. And I continued to walk.

"She was beautiful. Everyone liked her. But when I first met her, I thought she had no taste and was just a stuck up rich girl. Until I got to know her. When I saw the real her walk into class."

"I'm...happy you moved on Byung-hee..." I watched her continue to walk soon going up stairs.

Mi-chi's POV

I walked up the stairs, putting him in the chair to unlock the door. Opening it. I pull him to his feet making my way inside. To see the house is empty. I laid him on the bed covering him with the blanket. I sit on the side of the bed, moving the strand of his curly hair out of his face. I took a deep breath grabbing the notebook with two words on it. I flipped to a clean page. Writing a small note, standing to my feet I take one more glance at him.

"Keep care Byung-hee. I'm sorry for hurting you and the boys..." I walked out locking the door putting they key back into the hidden place. I walked down the stairs, and went to the other stairs, going up and taking my key out. I walked in my place seeing it was a little empty, it had a few of my belongings.

I shut the door, turning the lights on as I laid in the once familiar bed. Letting it take over my body and I fell asleep.

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