Chapter Twenty-One:

46 1 15

Mi-Chi's POV

My head was pounding, the light shining through the window only made everything worse. My mouth tasting dry with a hint of throw up in the back of my throat. I sat up only to see my clothes were gone and I was left in a button up black shirt, bra and underwear are still there. but I was in my bedroom. What exactly happen last night?

I groan standing up going to the bathroom, I rinse my face and brushed my teeth gargling water. Spitting it into the sink, I look at myself in the mirror seeing my hair in a messy bun and my lips were a little swollen.

"Who the hell did I kiss last night?" I questioned shaking off the thought I changed into a white tank top with black jean shorts. I walked into the hallway immediately running into someone's chest. I groaned rubbing my head.

"Mi-Chi, how are you feeling? You were really drunk last night." I made eye contact with Yugyeom, he held up a bottle of water and two small pills in his hand.

"Take this, It'll help with your headache." I nod taking it from his hand, I put the two pills in my mouth before he opened the water for me as I took a few chugs, removing the bottle from my lips.

"Thank you Yugyeom." I gave a small smile, he smiled back ruffling my hair.

"Anything for you short stuff." I rolled my eyes before my stomach growling made the situation completely awkward until he laughed. It was like music to my ears, this is the first time I heard him laugh with so much emotion.

"Let's get some food in you." I nod as we start walking down the hallway together, shoulder to shoulder, well besides the fact I am shorter then him by quite a bit. We walked into the kitchen as I saw french toast set across the table. He pulled a seat out signaling me to sit down. I nod taking a seat as he sits next to me.

"Thank you Yugyeom." I grab a few french toast adding strawberries, chocolate syrup and maple syrup on top. Taking my first bit, it felt like I was eating a rainbow, continuing eating I felt eyes staring at me, I glanced over to my left seeing Yugyeom looking at me, his head rested on his hand and a small smile spread across his face.

"What?" I questioned taking a bite.

"Nothing, just glad you are feeling better. It's probably stressful with all these boys here." I gave a small smile

"It is a little, but you guys all mean a lot to me in different ways. So I am okay with dealing with how stressful you boys are." I give a small chuckle shoving more French toast in my mouth.

"We all love you too. That is probably why we are so competitive towards you. Some love you as a lover, a crush, or a little sister."

I looked at him, "And what are you towards me?"

He gave a small chuckle bringing his hand to my face, rubbing his thumb across the corner of my lips.

"I don't know. We never really that close." He moved his thumb as I see chocolate syrup on it. I blushed deeply watching him lick it of his thumb. I cleared my throat blushing a darker shade of red.

"So how drunk was I?"

"Very drunk. You not only kissed Jin-young. You also told us your little secret." He gave a slight smile staring at me as he leans closer to me "It makes sense why guys fall for you...Siren."

I quickly moved back falling out of my chair.

"I told you all that! Wait..I kissed Jin-young!" I yelled, Yugyeom laughed helping me up.

"Yes you did. Don't worry we won't tell but only on one condition. "

I looked at him curious as he only smirked playfully.

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