Chapter Twenty

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Mi-Chi's POV

I skipped around the hotel drunkenly with a bottle of wine. Blasting music through my phone. Going to the patio seeing a group of hot boys, seven of them to be exact with serious expressions that looks somewhat sad.

"Awe what's with the grown cuties?" I questioned raising the bottle to my lips

"Oh Mi." One of them say but I didn't really process them saying my name at all.

"We are trying to figure out who Siren is." One with two freckles under his eyebrow.

"Awe don't worry boys.  Between you and me." I leaned forward to them smiling as they stared at me. "I'm Siren. But shh don't tell anyone."

I placed my finger on my lips before drinking the rest of the bottle and trying to walk away but ended up falling on someone's lap. He looked a lot like one of my ex boyfriend friends. I rest my hand on his cheek.

"You look like someone I know." I give a small chuckle, he could feel him tense up giving an awkward laugh as I leaned closer to him. He froze still locking eyes with mine as I locked my lips with his.

Mark's POV

"I'm Siren. But shh don't tell anyone."  She placed her finger on her lips before drinking the rest of the bottle trying to walk away but ended up falling on Jin-young. Her hand on his left cheek. I growled. Not only did she freely tell us deunkly that she was Siren.  She's sitting on his lap, to close.

"You look like someone I know." She gave a small chuckle, he gave an awkward laugh as she leaned closer to him. I saw him freeze still locking eyes with hers as she locked his lips with hers. I could see a dark shade of pink spread across his face.

She pulled away smiling.

"See you later cutie. " she winked standing up drunkenly walking back inside. I watched her walk inside,

"I understand why you dated her... but don't understand why you broke up with her. " I whipped my head glaring at Jin-young.

"Shut up. You should've pushed her off you."  I growled somewhat yelling.

"What! I didn't know she was going to do that! I didn't know how to react to that!"

"When she was leaning closer to you, you should of pushed her off you!"

"Okay Mark calm down. She is called a Siren for a reason." Bambam says resting his hand on my shoulder.

Mi-Chi's POV

As I walked inside using the wall to support me, I saw an angry guy with black curly hair and dark eyes with eyeliner under his eyes staring at me.  He quickly pinned me against the wall holding my wrist above my head.

"What the hell was that?"  He questioned a spark of jealousy and anger in his eyes but his face was heartbroken.

"What was what?" I questioned, his features up close were charming. His sharp jawline and full lips. His eyes sparking with different emotions.

"Why'd you kiss him?" He leaned closer to me

"Hm heat of the moment? He is attract, I fell on his lap. And just bam! His lips were really soft and left a tingly feeling on my lips." I gave a small laugh

"You're drunk." He says sighing

"Shh don't tell the people I came here with. "

"Mi-chi. I can't take this anymore." He slammed his lips on mine. I froze, before I knew it I was kissing back. Feeling his hands go to my waist and mine around his neck, I felt him lift me up,  I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me into a room shutting the door with his back as we hadn't broke our lips from each other.  Kissing each other deeper and harder, I felt him slam my back against the wall. I gasped a little but kissed him harder starting to unbutton the black button shirt he was wearing, he set me on a flat surface probably a dresser.  He pulled away. I opened my eyes looking at him as his eyes were already locked with mine. His eyes sparked with something else but I couldn't put a finger to it.

"Mi-Chi. I love you. And I am serious when I'm telling you this."

I felt my heart race but than was over powered by the sick feeling to my stomach.

"I don't feel good." I hopped down from the dresser running to the bathroom,  as I started vomiting in the toilet. I heard foot prints coming into the bathroom. Feeling my hair being held back.

"You shouldn't have drank so much." Feeling my hair being typed back and the hand moving to my back.

"Mi I'll be back, I'm going to get you some soup and medicine. "

After about five minutes later my puking as calmed down and I laid on the cold bathroom floor, my eyes growing heavy as I laid down.

Jin-young's POV

I laid in bed thinking. My finger tips on my lips. I always liked Mi-chi when we were younger. But when she started dating Mark I pushed myself away from her. I thought I had gotten over her but when she kissed me even though I knew she was drunk. I felt the spark come alive like fireworks shooting off.

I can't like her though. Not only would Mark my best friend be my competition but so would the guy from B.A.P and that Byung-hee guy. Who knows who else.

Mi-Chi, you are making people fall to their knees for you, making bands fall for you. But in the end who are you going to choose? What band will you join?

B.A.P or GOT7 or will you end up picking Eye Candy?

Whoever you pick, the members of the group will fight to win your heart.

So who are you going to pick in the end?

Mysterious SirenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora