Chapter One

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*It is the next day after Luke and Leia's kiss and the end of season 2 of Lost and Found, a show on Netflix. Leia is getting out of her car to go into lost and found.

Leia's POV

I am so happy and excited! I have a boyfriend now! It took me literally over an hour to get ready today just so I can look extra special for Luke today. 

As I walk into Java Junction the first thing I see is his handsome face as he talks to James and my heart practically stops then he looks over at me and smiles at me and starts to walk towards me.

As soon as he gets close enough, we kiss. Kissing him again is just as magical as the first time, and I can't believe he is finally my boyfriend, who I can kiss whenever I want to. 

"Hey," I whisper.

"Hey, so I thought that I could take you on a date tonight if you are available?" He asks nervously, and I internally squeal. 

"I would really like that," I say, smiling like an idiot.

Just as we were about to go in for another kiss, the one and only Maggie comes up to us and says, "Luke do you think you could do a duet with me? I was thinking like a love song," asking Luke without even acknowledging my presence. 

I gawk at her, annoyed and angry that she didn't even acknowledge my presence and interrupted our moment. Then I turn to Luke, and by the look on Luke's face, he is not too happy either. 

"I have a girlfriend now, so the only love song duets I plan on doing are with her. Now if you will excuse us, I would like to spend time with her. Come on, Leia." 

He looks at me, grabbing my hand, and then we leave a speechless Maggie and head to the green room to come up with duet songs.

*A few hours later, in the green room
Luke's POV

We just finished writing a brand new duet for Leia and me to sing tomorrow at the showcase, and I am so excited I know she is too. Now we are just packing up our stuff, we are going to go on a date tonight, and I hope it goes perfectly.

I plan to take her to my rooftop at my house and have a picnic, then watching a movie from a big projector that I have and watching the stars and snuggling.

As I start to imagine how our night is going to go, I get snapped out of my trance by Leia waving her hand in front of my face and calling, "Hello, Luke, hello!" 

As I snap out of my trance, I immediately kiss her, and then we break apart, and she curiously asks, smiling, "what were you thinking about?"

I reply, "thinking about how wonderful this date is going to be." Causing her to blush and bite her lip, releasing an eruption of butterflies and desire in my stomach. I want to be able to make her blush for the rest of my life. 

As I am thinking this, she says, "yeah, I have been thinking about it all day."

This makes me smile, and I say, "well then, I will see you tonight. I have to go set up; can you be at my house around 7 o'clock?"

"That sounds wonderful," she says, then kisses me on the cheek and walks away, leaving me there smiling like a lunatic.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I hope to get a consistent upload schedule soon. Please leave a comment if you like something or would like to give me some feedback. I am open to constructive criticism; it will only make me a better writer...XOXO

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