The Birth(part 1)/Chapter 20

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Recap Leia's POV:

I am laying in bed reading my book and I start to get these weird pains in my lower stomach but I brush them off thinking it's probably nothing but then get up to go to the restroom am suddenly my water breaks. 

Leia's POV

I just stand there for a minute not knowing what to do then a painful contraction starts and I groan loudly in pain so Luke shoots up whisper-shouting "Babe are you okay? What's wrong?" the contraction stops.

 I reply "My water just broke and I think I am going into labor." and as soon as I say this Luke bolt's out of bed and is by my side. 

"Okay um what do we do? We have to get to the hospital!" he says starting to panic. I giggle his head the shoots up as he looks at me like I have grown two heads but I can't help it he looks really cute when he is worried which is probably not what I should be thinking about right now but I do.

"Babe I am fine I just have to get dressed and put a few final things in the bag and we can then head to the hospital," I say calmly. 

Which causes him to sigh and say "Yeah your right we have some time no need to start losing our heads." 

I then go over to the bathroom and grab a spar towel and throw it on the ground where my water broke and quickly cleaning it up. As Luke grabs our hospital bag and starts throwing some last minute things in.  We both get ready. Luke holding my hand whenever I get a contraction. Then we head out the door to the hospital. 

After a few minutes in the car, the contractions start to get closer together and more painful. Luke holds my hand as we drive hoping to help ease the pain. After about forty-five minutes in the car, we pull up to the hospital. 

Luke's POV

I feel Leia get out of bed to go to the bathroom then after a minute or so I hear her groan in pain which makes me shoot up in alarm "Babe are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask. 

Then she replies "My water just broke and I think I am going into labor!" As she says this I jump out of bed and run to her side. 

Then I  say starting panic "Okay umm what do we do? We have to get you to the hospital." a million thoughts start running through my head like 'Omg this is happening and I am not ready.' but then Leia starts giggling which makes me look at her incredulously 'is she honestly laughing right now!'

 "Babe I am fine I just have to get dressed and put a few final things in the bag and we can then head to the hospital." as she says this I calm down realizing that there is no reason to start acting like a maniac and that we will be fine. 

I sigh then reply "Yeah your right we have some time no need to start losing our heads." which causes her to giggle again and go get a towel. We start to pack and the start to get ready. 

As Leia goes to grab some clothes she gets another contraction so I go over to her and hold her hand letting her squeeze it till the pain subsides. It kills me knowing that I caused her to be in this much pain and that I can't do anything to stop it. 

We get in the car and I hold her hand the whole way and I put on some country music to help distract her from the pain thankfully it seems to help in between contractions. I notice her contractions start to get closer together and more painful so I drive a little faster trying not to panic too much. 

It's happening guys! OMG! I thought it would be cute for some part's to be in Luke's point of view too so it adds an extra layer of fluff hope you like it. If you want me to do anyone else's point of view for the birth or any other chapter in the future let me know as well as chapter suggestions if you have any would be very open to it.  Still, need baby name suggestions I am hoping for a few options if possible that start with L.- Xoxo

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