Chapter 15

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Luke's POV starting after they just ate breakfast 

I head into the bathroom with my clothes and I get ready for the day. Once I am almost done I realize I forgot a shirt so I open the door to see Leia only in her underwear and lacy bra humming while getting ready. As I watch her I think to myself how lucky I am to have such a beautiful woman in my life and also how lucky I am because let's face it; she is damn fine. 

As I chuckle to myself she notices me staring in the mirror and whips her head around to face me which causes me to smirk. She rolls her eyes than scans my body once she realizes I am not wearing a shirt. Then we make eye contact and a slight blush appears once she realizes I noticed her checking me out.

She goes back to getting ready so I decide to tease her even more by keeping my shirt off and sitting on the bed and starting to read my book. 

After a few minutes, I feel her eyes on me but I act like I don't notice her gawking. Then after a minute her alarm sounds startling her from her trance. Leia then threw me a shirt and says "Luke we have to go." then turns to grab her purse. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to leave this off you seemed to be enjoying the view." I say gesturing to my shirt with a smirk "haha very funny if that is how it's going to be then I shouldn't have a shirt on either because it seems you also were enjoying the view," she says with a devilish smirk then walks out of the room swinging my hips leaving me there gawking.

As we pull into Lost and Found I can tell Leia is getting really nervous so I grab her hand in hopes of calming her. Once we park we sit there for a moment both of us trying to prepare ourselves for whatever might happen then I sigh loudly and begrudgingly say "We better go in." knowing that if we wait any longer we won't go in at all.

"Yeah, before I lose any confidence I have left," she says grabbing her purse and getting out of the car. I grab her hand as we both take a deep breath and walk into Lost and Found.

As we walk in there are a few gasps and of hushed whispers, as I guide Leia along until she sees Rachel and stops in her tracks then all of the whispers stop and Rachel turns around but freezes as she sees Leia. 

We all just stand there frozen still till Leia whispers "Rachel can we talk please?" as she says this she squeezes my hand in anticipation "Yeah let me get the other girls we should do this all at once. Meet us in the green room." she says then heads off to get the other girls. 

"Do you want me there?" I whisper turning her to face me "Yeah we should explain together." she says then we start towards the green room.

Uh oh, what will the girls say? Will they be supportive? Will Leia get kicked off the band? I promise the next chapter will be a lot better. Please if you have any ideas or suggestions please leave a comment down below. Xoxo

luke and leia (lost and found)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora