Chapter 18

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Author's note:  Hey guys! Sorry I am going to skip ahead a bit I have been a little bored and uninspired with a few of the chapters I have been putting out lately so I wanted to just skip to some of the good chapters that I have been planning but don't worry I promise I will finish this. I won't leave you guys hanging anyway that is all back to the chapter.

Leia's POV

8 month's pregnant 

As soon as I think that I can't get any bigger I do thankfully though I have been using this cream and medicine my doctor gave me so I don't have too many stretch mark's. I would like to say I have been eating amazingly but when they say you will have cravings they are most definitely not kidding. Although I know once I have our baby girl I know it will all be worth it. Luke has been unbelievably sweet especially since my hormones have been out of control lately my doctor says that it's because I am getting close. 

I sigh as I lay awake with Luke hands around my stomach on our bed sleeping. It's been hard to sleep lately but every morning I get to see the beautiful sunset from the window in the door that goes to my balcony that overlooks our small town and then past that is rolling hills covered in trees of every shade of red, yellow, and orange. 

It's now my favorite thing to do is wake up to in the morning along with my stunningly gorgeous boyfriend with his arms around me. Let's just say it's hard to be unhappy in the morning when you wake up to this.

I think to myself as Luke starts to stir. "Goodmorning beautiful," he whispers in his sexy morning voice with his adorable bed head. "Morning," I replied looking back at the sunset. After a few minutes of taking in the sunset we both get out of bed and he goes off to make breakfast as I get ready. 

Leia's outfit:

I finish up my outfit happy with the end result at first it was hard to get used to my ever growing belly not just because I was getting bigger and my clothes didn't fit but that people would know and then start to judge since I am so young but th...

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I finish up my outfit happy with the end result at first it was hard to get used to my ever growing belly not just because I was getting bigger and my clothes didn't fit but that people would know and then start to judge since I am so young but then I learned to embrace it after multiple pep talks from Luke and my girlfriends and when I ran into the women at the register the day I bought a pregnancy test and she congratulated me and since then we have become pretty good friends. 

I will admit it is sometimes nice to hang out with someone who isn't a musician and talks to you about other things it's quite refreshing and that is another reason I am so grateful that my baby girl decided to come into my life she gave me a new friend.

I head into the kitchen and we eat breakfast. I am super excited because Luke says he is performing a song he has been working on for me today for our weekly showcase. We get our Starbucks and head to Lost and Found. *If you couldn't tell I like Starbucks like a lot ;)*

As I am finishing my lunch with Rachel we hear an announcement come over the intercom telling everyone to make their way to the Rose room for the showcase. As I hear this a huge smile comes over my face. Rachel and I head to the Rose room to see no other then Luke on stage plugging in his guitar and fixing his microphone so I head to the front of the room thank goodness there isn't a ton of people in hear yet. 

As soon as Annabelle and Maggie (We made up since she realizes she has feelings for Theo and Luke is definitely taken so now we are actually good friends now) say hi to me and Rachel, Mr.T comes onto the stage and shouts "Let the showcase begin!" then the song starts and I instantly love it normally the band usually do upbeat music but this song is slow and it sounds familiar.

Then Luke starts singing and I instantly recognize the song the instant he starts to sing it's From the Ground Up: by Dan and Shay not many people know this about me but I am secretly but not so secretly in love with country music and they are one of my favorite bands.

When it gets to the part talking about our daughter he comes off the stage still singing and put's his hand on my stomach serenading but I realize he has changed some of the words to fit our story. 

"Ten little toes, a painted pink room. Our beautiful baby is going to look just like you. And we'll build this love from the ground up

Now 'til forever it's all of me, all of you
Just take my hand and I'll be the man your dad would hope that I'd be."

A few tears spill down as I stare at my boyfriend.

Once the song is finished it is dead silent then all of the sudden the crowd goes nuts. 

Wow... I have been dying to write that chapter for ages now and it finally seemed like the right time to put it in... Hope you liked it... If you want more chapters like this please let me know or if there are any specific scenes you would like I am always open to your suggestions... Also if you hadn't noticed or was wondering the song Luke sings is above... Thank you all who gave me suggestions for the songs as well it is much appreciated... As always constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome- Xoxo

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