Chapter Three

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*Two months later

Luke's POV
It has been a few weeks since Leia and I's first date; we have gone on a date almost every night since then. I have fallen in love with her, and I plan to tell her tonight on our date. 

Lately, I have been thinking about what I said about firsts, and I think I am ready to add another one to that list, if you know what I mean. I don't want to go too fast and scare her, and I also want her to be ready when it happens. 

I am in the green room right now with the boys and they are arguing about something so, I kinda just zoned out.

A few minutes later, I am cut out of my trance by the boys all screaming my name, "what!" I say, slightly annoyed. 

"What is wrong with you, dude? The past few days you have just been out of it is there something wrong?" asks John

I then explain my predicament to the boys, and James is the first to say anything "Dude, I would try and read her body signals like when you guys are making out and see if she seems to want to take it to the next level. When it was Riley and I's first time, I just tried to read her body signals, and it was great. Also, try and kinda smoothly try a drift your conversation in that direction beforehand so she will be able to think about it, and then if she wants to, she will send those signals to you a lot stronger."

We all are just staring at James in shock at what he just said, "thanks, that definitely helps," I reply.

"Your welcome; Doctor James is always available for your relationship advice. I will send you the bill later," he says, joking. We all laugh and then go back to rehearsal.

Leia's POV

 I have been thinking about what Luke and I 's next step in our relationship is and what he said that night about firsts, and I decided I wanted to do it. 

'I don't think that Luke would disagree,' I think, smirking to myself, knowing full well that Luke would be very open-minded about it.

 I am sitting in Java Junction writing a new song and thinking about tonight when a hand covers my eyes and someone says, "guess who?"

"I don't know Zac Efron?" I joke and turn around to see Luke feigning a stab in the chest.

"I am really offended." He says. I roll my eyes laughing lightly at his stupidity. 

"Would you like me to drop you off at your house? I have one stop at a store near the mall before that I need to make, but that is it," he asks.

"Yeah, totally I need to go to one store in the mall so maybe you could drop me off then get your stuff. Then we can go back to my house for our date" I suggest. 

"Ok, sounds good. I am going to get my stuff. I will meet you at my car in a minute," he says, walking off, and I head to his car.

*Nearing the mall
Luke's POV

"Ok, so what store do you need to go to?" I ask pulling up to the mall. 

"Uh... Victoria's secret" she says quietly and I head to the direction of Victoria's secret. We sit in silence as we drive.

I wonder if she is getting some stuff to wear for when we umm... well, you know. I guess there is other stuff in that store, but still, it is a lingerie store. I don't ask because I don't want her to feel uncomfortable and be weird.

I drop her off and head to the pharmacy to pick up some supplies for tonight. Once I grab the supplies, I go and pick up Leia. She has a medium-sized bag in her hand, throwing it in the back then we head to my house.

To say I am nervous about tonight would be an understatement but I just have to read the body signals and I'll be good I hope. 

"Go and find a show we can watch while I make dinner," I tell Leia and head for the kitchen. Once I am done, I put the burgers on two plates and head to the living room.

After an episode or two of (fill in your favorite TV show), I turn the TV off and look down at her, cuddled into my side with her laying on my chest. My arms are wrapped around her small body that is practically on my lap.

Taking a deep breath, I whisper, "I love you." 

She looks up at me, shocked at my sudden statement, which quickly fades into a bright smile.

"I love you too," and at that, I couldn't take it anymore. I bend down, kissing her with all the love I have. She kisses me back just as passionately. Sitting up, she swings her leg over onto my lap, so she is now straddling me. Unleashing the very familiar feeling of warmth in the depths of my stomach.

Quickly getting really heated and she tugs at my shirt, signaling me to take it off. Throwing it across the room, I start to kiss down her neck, causing her to moan. I continue kissing further down, hitting her sweet spot; she lets out a loud moan. I run my teeth lightly over, licking the spot causing her hips to buck. Smirking, I work on a hickies around the area teasing her.

She starts to whine, getting impatient, then starts to grind down on me. Now it is my turn to groan as desire spreads throughout my body. Picking her up legs still wrapped around me, taking that as my signal, I head to the bedroom...

I hope you enjoyed it; feel free to leave a comment as always. I love some good constructive criticism, or let me know what you enjoyed or what you would like to see more of. - Xoxo

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