Chapter 7

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Leia's POV

Her house

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and no blaring alarm clock with a warm ray of sunshine hitting my face and I smile to myself and think this is going to be a good day and as I sit up a wave of nausea hits me and I run to the bathroom.

'Wow that moment lasted about 5 seconds' I thought to myself as I start brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day. Then my phone starts to ring and I pick it up.

"Hello?" I say "Hey are you excited for your appointment today?!" Luke says excitedly into the phone
"Yeah I am just bummed you can't be there with me for this one." I say making my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast and I put him on speaker.

"Me too but I promise I will make it to the next one it's just we can't miss this practice because we have a gig tomorrow and we want to play a few new songs and need to be ready." He explains.

"Yeah I know love you and will call you after appointment with the details. Ok?" I say sitting down to eat my breakfast "Ok. Love you to bye" He says then hangs up.

I finish my breakfast and head to my appointment.

At the office

I finish signing all the paperwork and sit there and try to calm my nerves then the nurse comes out and calls "Leia Myers" *I didn't actually know her last name so I made it up I then get up and head to the room

The nurse says as I enter the room "sit here, and the doctor will be in with you in a moment." She then gives me a reassuring smile and leaves.

   I sit here for a good 10 minutes then the doctor knocks on my door and then enters "Hello my name is Dr. Shelby Scott, could you please lay on this bed and pull up your shirt for me so we can get started with the ultrasound." She asks. I then climb onto the bed and as I pull my shirt up I look down at my belly and realize I have a baby bump!

"Wow! Look at that you already have a baby bump you must be farther along then we thought." She says smearing a cold jelly onto my bump and typing on her computer. "Yeah I didn't think I was at that far along either." I say slightly confused. She then looks at me with a smile and asks "are you ready to see your baby?"

I nod and she then puts the stick on my stomach and a few seconds later the ultrasound pops up on the screen and I see my baby. My eyes start to water as I hear the heart beat. After a few minutes of me looking at my baby and the doctor typing things into her computer.

"Looks to me like your about 3 months and a week or so along. If you would like to know the gender of your baby we can give that information today." She tells me

My eyes widen as she says I am 3 months along because I definitely didn't think I was that far along "uh yeah I would like to know the gender please so I can surprise my boyfriend." I tell her and take the wipes she hands me and wipe the jelly off my stomach.

She leaves to go get me my papers and to go check my tests I had to take. As I sit there all of the information starts to sink in and I just start smiling the biggest smile I have in a while. 'This is real I am having a baby' I think to myself. I then head to the front desk and get my paper work and head out to the car.

Once I am in the car I open my packet of information and then look at the photos of my baby and as I am looking at each one of them the last one has an arrow and says in bold letters it is a Girl!!


Yayyy!!! It's a girl!!! Let me know if you have any ideas for how she is going to tell Luke comment down below. Xoxo!!!

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