Chapter Ten

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Luke's POV
The recording room

I wake to Theo and James shaking me awake "wuh? what do you want." I say groggily and sitting up then everything that happened over three hours ago comes rushing back.

"Oh no! Ugh I assume you saw the live stream." I say putting my hands on my face and trying to calm myself. "Yeah, dude why didn't you tell us were your best friends?" Theo says and they both sit on the couch with me.

"We were going to tomorrow but now I told the whole world and Leia is going to kill me." I say looking at the ground then at the boys. "Hey its ok she will be mad at first probably but she will get over it because you were going to tell us anyway plus you cannot be fighting you have a baby on the way and she will realize that it might take a bit though." James says comforting me.

"Yeah your right she will forgive me but the next week will probably be like hell." I murmur and sigh realizing I have to go find Leia before anyone else does. "Thanks guys for the help and being cool about us keeping it a secret from you. I have to go find her before anyone else does." I say then run off to find Leia.

Leia's POV

I feel bad I wasn't able to watch Luke's interview on Annabelle's channel yet because I have been working all day on a song for this weeks showcase tonight but then it gives me a reason to have Luke over and we can watch it together tonight after the showcase and then I will give him a speech about how much I love him and how I am so proud of him then ask him to move in with me. I cannot wait. 

I think as I zone off in the Rose room then I get snapped out of it by Mr.T coming in to set up the microphones for tonight "Leia you better get ready you are going up first, and the showcase starts in 5 minutes." he says warningly then heads to plug in the microphones. I jump up and run to the bathroom to tidy up my hair and quickly go to the bathroom.

I come out of the bathroom and head to the Rose room then as soon as I get there Mr.T says I am up so I get on the stage. Then I preform a cover to one of my favorite songs "A Thousand Years" 

Luke's POV

After 15 minutes of looking I can't seem to find Leia anywhere. Then I realize everyone disappeared then it dawns on me THE SHOWCASE!!! I rush into the Rose room and see Leia then I start heading towards her and Mr.T calls her up to perform so I go to the front to watch her preform. She starts to sing A Thousand Years which is our favorite song its the one I put on when I took her on a date to a beach and we danced while watching the sunset. She looks eyes with once the song starts and suddenly it just feels like its only us in the room. As she serenades me I feel like the luckiest guy in the world and that whatever obstacles get in our way we will be able to get over them together.

When the song is finished the crowd goes wild and everyone is cheering. Leia is normally one of our best at lost and found but this was incredible. Then when the cheering and applause dies down someone shouts "When are you due?!" and my heart sinks 'oh no...' I think to myself then everyone starts shouting "yeah... and who's the father?... Why didn't you tell us?" as they say this Leia looks over at me terrified and by the look on my face she realizes what happened then she runs off the stage crying, so I run after her to try and explain. 

Dun... Dun... Duhhh... Oh no Leia found out what will happen will she forgive him or will she shut him out for doing such a thing... Thanks guys for all the support I have been getting its really incouraging to know you guys are enjoying my story and want to read more so thank you very much. As all ways I am open to ideas and cunstructive critisisum. Xoxo

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