Chapter 16

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Leia's POV

As Luke and I head to the green room I get more and more nervous by the second what if they don't accept me or what if I get kicked off the band or even get kicked out of Lost and Found. I start to sweat and get kinda twitchy.

"Babe please stop stressing it isn't good for the baby or for you everything will be fine. You will always have me and this baby we aren't going anywhere so if all else fails I can get a job for on the sides for when the band and I don't have gigs. We are going to be fine babe. You just need to calm down." he says staring at me with love in his eyes.

"Yeah, you're right everything will be fine," I say more to myself than Luke. Then I hear the door open and the girls walk in.

"Please sit down and I will explain before you say anything," I say gesturing to the couch and taking back Luke's hand.

"Okay, where do I start. So about 4 and a half months ago I was getting really sick all the time. At first, I just thought it was a bug or virus but then some time passed and I realized that I hadn't had my period in 2 months so I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test. Sure enough, it was positive. After a few days had passed I told Luke and he was upset and confused about it. Then we worked it out after he had calmed down and we decided not to tell you guys for a bit because we needed to get used to it ourselves before letting the whole world know. I know we should have told you sooner but I would be lying if I didn't say I was super nervous that you would hate me and I would get kicked out of the band. So we kinda waited longer than we probably should have, and I am so so sorry guys I love you and we shouldn't have kept this long please forgive me. We were planning on telling you the day Luke spilled the beans, and I am so so sorry guys I love you and we shouldn't have kept this long please forgive me." I say gasping for breath.

"Wow..." Rachel says as they all looked at me shocked. Then all at once a chorus of "It's fine" and "I know it must have been hard for you." and "Of course we forgive you." and "We love you too!"

"Aww, really guys you mean that!" I say smiling then we all get in a group hug. "Luke get in here," Annabelle says to Luke who is just standing in the corner awkwardly.

After a few minutes of hugging, I say to Luke "I think me and the girls are going to Java Junction to talk." he nods and replies "Okay I think I am going to meet up with the guys to go over some stuff for tonight's performance."

Then he heads out of the room leaving me with the girls so they start to flood me with questions on the baby and if Luke is moving in and what the gender is as we walk to Java Juice.

Yayy! Leia and her friends made up! How do you think she will tell Luke the gender? As always if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism it is always welcome and appreciated. I still need some help with what song Luke could sing to Leia if you have any suggestions they would be appreciated.- Xoxo

luke and leia (lost and found)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz