Epilogue (part 4)

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Leia's POV

He starts to take us up to the roof and smile remembering the first night we spent up here and how far we have come from there. He opens the door and I gasp the whole porch is lit with string golden twinkle lights and at the edge of the roof lining the walls are a wall of pictures from over the years that we have taken. I am speechless as I walk around looking at all the pictures.

 Once I have looked at most of the photos I turn around to see Luke on one knee behind me. I gasp covering my mouth with my hand and start to cry. 

"Leia you are the most important person in my life. There was a time when I was all alone. Then I got into lost and found and made the band and life were amazing but I was so deep in my music that it became my first and only real love. Then out of nowhere, you came into my life making every day a whole lot brighter there were a few years when I didn't know the best thing in my life was right there in front of me. 

Then you brought this beautiful child that I am so blessed to be mine into my life and I will forever be grateful for her. She is my absolute pride and joy and I can't wait to have more just like her and love them all so much. Music used to be my first love but now that has changed and your standing right here. I want to grow old with you and watch Lily grow up and have more kids with you and I hope that you would help me make that all possible and marry me. So I ask you, Leia Sophie Myers, will you marry?" He asks

I start to nod then say "Yes... Yes, of course, I will marry you!" He stands up and puts the ring on my finger I hug him sobbing into his shoulder. We stand there and look at all the pictures for a while.

Then I look at him and see he is already staring at me. "What?" I ask, "I can't wait till I get to marry the most beautiful women on this earth." He says then kisses me it is a sweet kiss but increasingly gets more passionate and heated really quickly. Then Luke picks me up bridal style taking us to the bedroom, and I really don't need to tell you what happens next.

Hope you guys liked it and I hope I did it justice. I have only one more chapter that I am going to write then I will be done with this book I really enjoyed writing the end of there story was super upset when they didn't get to be renewed for a third season but. If you guys have any more chapter ideas or things you would like to see in the wedding let me know. -Xoxo

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