Chapter 2: Archer Ricci

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New York City. My city, I'm the most powerful man here. And no I don't run illegal business. I'm the CEO in my dad's company. People fear me, if they cross me and play me dirty, I make sure they get ruined. People picture me as a cold hearted bastard, but I'm only like that in the business world.

I was married for 6 years, but along the way, we stop sleeping with each other, we barely saw, and then we decided that divorce was the best. We ended things on good terms. Last I heard, she got married again and was expecting a child. I was happy for her.

Would I get married again? I'm not sure, I'm not even sure if kids are in my plans. I feel like I wouldn't have time with my work. Seeing as how the love department is with me, a fling would be better. No strings attached, no feelings. Just some meaningless sex with the first hot woman I see. Everyone knows who I am, so getting them, is easy.

"Mary, I'm going to Los Angeles for a few months. Pass me a call only if it's really important. I need a break from this crazy business world." I told my secretary.

I never give my personal number to people , only family and close friends. The rest, Mary passes me the details and only if it interest me, I call them back with my other phone that I use for business.

"Very well, Mr. Ricci. Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it." She said before leaving.

"Let's see what this summer brings. Hopefully someone very hot."



The next day, we all got ready to go for a swim. And by we, I mean Amara and Bella.

"Mommy, let's go." Bella said while grabbing my hand and dragging me to the beach.

"So impatient." I giggled.

Amara made a run to the sea and soon, Bella went behind her. I just stayed on the sand enjoying the beautiful breeze.

"Im a mermaid!" Bella squealed.

"You two stay close shore, if you go further, there wont be dessert later." I yelled.

"Okay!" They both yelled back.

I remember las summer when we all came here for a little vacation.


We all arrived to nana's house for summer. And as soon as I entered the house, Aaron, Amara and Bella made a run to the beach. They went for a swim in their clothes. Everyone laughed.

"I swear, Aaron and the girls are crazy." I sighed as they chuckled.

"Aaron has always loved the sea, when he was a kid, he told us that he was a merman." His mom told me.

I laughed, "runs in the family, Bella told us that she is a mermaid."

She chuckled some more.

"Those three will become raisins in there." His dad told us, we laughed.

Later that night, we read a story to Bella.

"Daddy, you will never leave me right?" Bella asked him while pinching his cheeks.

"I'll stay with you, until my last breath." He hugged her as she hugged him back.

"Triple hug." I joined the hug as they both hugged me too.

"I love you, Hales." He pecked my lips.

"I love you more." I smiled while caressing his face.

"What about me?" Bella pointed at herself.

"We love you to the moon and back, baby girl." Aaron told her.

*end of flashback*

Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I said I wouldn't cry anymore, but being here again, brought all memories back. I changed to another house cause it was too much being in our old house. I didn't sell it. I left it locked until Bella grows up and decides what she wants to do with the house too.

"Tissue?" I turned to see my nana holding a tissue.

"Thanks." I grabbed the tissue and wiped my tears. "I miss him. Being here brought everything back. I said I moved on, but being back here, makes me realize that I'll never find anyone like my Aaron. I'll never fall for anyone again."

She pulled me to her and let me cry. "Never give up on love. One day, a new person will come into your life and flip your world."

"Maybe, for now, I will focus on my daughter and Amara. Thanks for being an amazing nana." I gave her a side hug as she smiled.

"I'm the coolest nana." That made me laugh. She always knows how to cheer me up.

I went to join the girls and had a great time.


Finally, Los Angeles. I arrived at my house and was met by Ana, my housekeeper.

"Mr. Ricci, everything is in the fridge and I clean all the house as you asked before arriving."

"Perfect, thanks Ana. Since it's Friday, you may leave early and come back on Monday."

"Thank you sir." With that said she left.

I put my luggage in my room and took a shower. Tomorrow I will go hunting for the hottest girl. So far, I haven't seen one.

I put on a sweatpants and went to the living room. As I was about to relax, my phone started to ring.

"Yes? I see. Fire them. I do not tolerate any error. And fire Leticia while you're at it, she stole 10,000 dollars and thought I didn't noticed. Okay, bye."

Hopefully no more work stuff, I need to relax and have some adult fun. Been a while. Tomorrow is a new day.

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