Chapter 3: Crossing Paths

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The next day, I went with the girls to papa's bakery. He also was in the bakery business. Papa and my dad get along so well.

"I want everything." Bella said while her face was plastered in the window where the pastries were.

"I want a cheesecake Oreo." Amara told me.

"Bella, one thing."

"Fine." She sighed. "I want vanilla cupcake and water."

Nana chuckled. They both work here.

"Alright, I'll tell Layla to take your orders to the booth." We nodded and went to sit down.

"Mommy, can I have apple juice and not water."

"Sure, let me go tell nana."

I left the table and change her order. As I was about to walk to the table, I slipped. But I never landed on the floor.

"Great catch." Nana told him.

He just smirked at me, "Great indeed."

Those icy blue eyes were really mesmerizing. And man he was really buff and I'm pretty sure very tall, couldn't tell, I was still in his grip. Let's not forget that Italian accent. Man with an accent is hot.

"You can put me down." I said looking away. He chuckled, and put me down.

I was right, the man was really tall, I felt like a midget next to him. He was wearing a tank top and there was a dragon tattoo on his left arm, and let's not forget his Jean's, my eyes scanned him up and down and stop in the middle.

"Like what you see?" I look up and saw him giving me a devilish smirk.

I wanted to say no, but that would be a lie and man there was a big package. So I changed topic. Note to self, get laid.

"Thanks for catching me."

"It was a pleasure." He smiled.

"Your order." Papa said while giving him a bag and a coffee.

"Thanks, Carlos." He grabbed his order and then looked at me. "See you around, stranger."

With that said, he left. Okay, no introduction or at least a hi. Rude.

"Who was that rude person. He didn't even say hi, he just acted all hero and then left." I rolled my eyes.

"That was, Archer Ricci. He is a very powerful man. I'm surprised you haven't heard of him." Papa told me

"Eh, I'm busy winning cases." He laughed.

I went back to my table and the girls finished their dessert.

"Mommy, who was that man?" She asked while licking the frosting from her little hand.

"No idea. Just some man who I crossed paths with." I answered before drinking my coffee.


Damn, that's what I was talking about. That woman was incredibly beautiful. Those lips, and her steel grey eyes were so captivating. She had curves in the right places. I like that she wasn't your typical skinny girl, she was curvy and I really like that in a woman.

I'll ask tomorrow, Carlos or Kelly. Summer just got really interesting. I hope she's single and with no baggage. I really am looking forward some fun with that woman.

My phone started to ring.

"What?" I listened to my secretary, "tell everyone who wants a meeting with me, that I will see them in two months. I don't care if it's extremely important. I got my hands full over here."

I hung up, and changed to sports clothes. I like to run on the beach. It's so relaxing hearing the waves crashing and the sea breeze.


The next day I got ready and went to the bakery. I saw Kelly in the front and approach her

"Hi Kelly, can I ask you something."

"Sure." She gave me a friendly smile.

"Who was the woman that landed in my arms yesterday, is she a regular here?"

"You could say that. Her name is Hailey Lockhart. Has someone finally caught your attention after your marriage ended?" She said while passing me a cup of coffee.

I chuckled, Kelly is direct and doesn't sugar coat. I guess that's why I tell her my life. She's easier to talk to. "You could say that." I answered.

"That's mission impossible right now." She told me.

"How so?" I asked before sipping my coffee.

"Not my story to tell. Hailey is complicated, but she's worth it. Come tomorrow at 10 am. She'll be here and that way you can talk to her."

"I will, thanks for the coffee and the talk, you're the best." I gave her a hug and then left.

Hailey Lockhart, you just got really interesting.


I decided to stay home, this is what I get for watching movies really late. Nana took the girls to work. They wanted to go to the bakery and make cookies.

It was around 4 pm, and I got ready and went to the bakery. Once I arrived, I was met by a little person jumping in my arms.

"Mommy, I made cookies." She squished my cheeks.

"That's awesome, baby girl." I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

I put her down and went to the counter.

"What did I miss?" I asked nana.

"Not much. Oh, don't eat anything, we're going out for dinner tonight." She told me as I nodded.

"I'll be back, I have to make a call to work." I went outside to call.

"Plan is in motion." Nana told Bella.

"Yes, did you call mister, Archy?" Bella asked her.

She chuckled. "Archer, little one."

"That what I said, don't you listen." She gave her a look.

"Yes, I did call Archy. He will meet us there." She replied, "Are you really okay with this?"

"Yes, mommy needs a boyfriend." That made nana laugh.

"I agree, she deserves to be happy after what happened." Amara chimed in.

"You two have such a pure and golden heart. Never lose it." She told them and they nodded.

I entered the bakery and saw them talking. "What did I miss?'

"Nothing." And with that said, they went to the back whistling.

What are these three up to?

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