Chapter 18: It's A

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The next day, which I was thankful it was Saturday. I went to make breakfast. The girls were still sleeping.

Knock, knock!

I turned off the stove and went to open it.


"Just hi, really." My blood was boiling. "How did you find me?"

"Your nana told me. Can we ta-" his eyes landed on my belly.

"Yes I'm pregnant and yes it's yours, in case you doubt me. And no I didn't get pregnant for your money." I said with so much anger.

"That never crossed my mind, now can we please talk in a civil way?" He said in a calm way.

"Please enter." I rolled my eyes and left him standing on the front door. I took a seat on the couch.


I closed and locked the door and then went to the living room and sat in front of her.

"Hailey, I didn't leave because I felt like it. I left because my sister got in a car accident. When I arrived, she was in a critical state. She slipped into a coma."

"Oh my God, how is she?"

"The doctor told us that she was a miracle. She's better now. I couldn't focus on anything. I'm really sorry. But with my sister's accident-"

"It would've been hard to be with me, since your focus would be on your sister." She added.

"Hailey. You mean the world to me. Leaving that night was hard. because I know I left you stood up."

She was crying. "That was the worst night of my life. I went to your house to confront you. But you weren't there."

I sat next to her and interlaced our fingers. "Hailey, I'm in love with you. You're the only woman I've ever loved with such an intensity."

"I wanted to hate you, but I couldn't." Tears fell down her cheeks. "Because no matter how hard I tried, I was deeply and madly in love with you."

"Does this mean, you'll give me a second chance?"

"Yes, but if you ever leave me again, don't bother coming back. I could've been there for you even if it was as friends." She sobbed.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But now that I have you back, I'm never leaving you again." I pulled her into a very passionate kiss. How much I've missed her plump lips.

"I missed you." She caressed my face.

"Me too, and I cant believe I'm going to be a father." I rubbed her little belly.

"Archy!" We turned to see the girls running towards me and they crashed on top of me. Hailey laughed.

"You're back!" Bella hugged me really tight.


"Yes, and I'm here to stay. I missed you all so much." He hugged Bella and Amara.

"Good, cause we missed you." Amara told him.

I went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast and then we enjoyed a wonderful time. I couldn't believe he was back.

"So, I was thinking, how would you all, like to move in with me?"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't want to be away from you three, especially since you're pregnant."

"I'm in. What about you girls?"

"Yes!" They both answered a little too excited. We chuckled.

"How about in two months, the house is under construction."

"Well, I guess we gained a new member in the house." I smiled as he did too.


Night came and the girls went to sleep. I entered my bedroom and Archer pulled me into every heated kiss. We stripped off our clothes and he made love to me.

"How much I've missed your body." He told me while caressing my leg.

"I've missed your touch too." I pecked his lips.

We went for another round and then fell asleep. I was happy. The man that I love, was back.


Two months went by. And today we are finding out if we're having a girl or a boy. I was so excited.

"Are we ready?" The doctor asked us.

"Yes, just tell us!" They both laughed at me.

"You're having, a boy."

"Yes!" Archer said excited.

"I can't believe we're having a baby boy." I said as I rubbed my belly.

"Congratulations." He told us.

We thanked him and then went home. I called my grandparents and they were over the moon. I called dad and he said he would meet us here and bring cake to celebrate.

"Guess what we're having?" I asked them.

"A girl/boy!" Amara and Bella said at the same time.

"You're both having, a little brother." I told them, they scream and started to jump in excitement.

"Now we need to name him." Archer mentioned.

"Leo." Bella said.

"Mike." Amara added.

"How about, Liam?" Archer suggested. We all looked at him. "What?"

"Liam, was my brother's middle name." Amara smiled.

"It's a cute name." Bella chimed in.

"I think Liam, fits the baby very well." He told them. I smiled.

"Well Baby, you're now, Liam Ricci." I smiled as happy tears fell down my cheeks.

"Does this mean, I'm a Ricci too?" Bella asked us.


"Only if you want to and if your mom is comfortable with that." Archer told her.

"You want to be a Ricci?" I asked her.

"Well, first daddy's last name and then Archer. It's a cool name." She giggled as we chuckled.

"Works for me." He pinched her cheeks.

"And you, Amara?" I asked her.

"Well, I think I would like that too." She smiled.

He pulled both girls and gave them a hug. They hugged him back too. This was a beautiful sight. I couldn't wait for Liam to be born into this unique family. 

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