Chapter 5: To Go Or Not To Go

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I looked at my grandparents and smiled.

"I'll try. But I'm not sure if a man like him, would be fine with me having a daughter."

"Then I suggest not mentioning her, for at least two weeks. And if he isn't okay with her, after getting to know you in those days, I'll feed him to Tony." Papa told me.

"Tony?" I asked very confused.

"Just a shark I met when he was a baby."


"I was walking near the water when a little fin caught my attention. It was a baby shark and he was struggling to get out of some plastic people threw in the ocean. And ever since I helped him, he would come everyday at the same hour." He explained it.

"How does someone becomes friends with a predator?"

"You'd be surprised. He should be here in 20 minutes, let's go out and wait." With that said, he left.

"I remain very confuse." I shook my head as nana laughed.

We all went outside and after 20 minutes, a shark appeared. My heart was beating really fast. How does a human become friends with a predator!?

Eventually the shark left and papa walked towards out way.

"You're crazy." I told him.

"A little." He grinned.

"He has also swim with that shark." Nana added.

"You know what, I think I need a little nap, too much has happened today." I made  my way to my room and they chuckled.

The next day I woke up around 10 am and thought about if I should go or not. I felt a little person hugging me.

"When did you enter my bedroom?"

She looked at me and smiled. "Last night. I woke up an hour ago."

I sat properly and put her on my lap.
"Are you okay with mommy going out for lunch with someone I met?"

"Yes, lunch is good for the soul. Daddy said that."

I laughed at that. "You remind me of him so much. You're his mini version. I love you so much, baby girl."

"I love you too, mommy." She hugged me.

Amara entered my bedroom and sat next to us and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Amara, are you okay with me going out for lunch with someone else?"

"Yes, I know my brother wouldn't want you to cry and be sad forever." She smiled.

"Alright, I needed both your approval before saying yes to him."

They both nodded. And then grandma call everyone for breakfast, they made a run to the kitchen.

I took a deep breath and called him instead. He told me that he will pick me up at 12 pm. I'm a little nervous.


We arrived at the restaurant that was in front of the beach. We went to the balcony and took a seat at our table. The waiter came and took our orders.

"Finally someone who ordered food and not just salad to impress the someone."

"I love food, salad doesn't make me full." I replied.

"While we wait for our food, tell me about you." He said.

"Well, I'm a lawyer, I came here for the summer with my d-"

"With who?"

"That's a story for another time. Tell me about you."

I didn't want to deny my daughter. I wont give this, two weeks, after the fifth day, I will tell him. If he isn't cool, I'll feed him to Tony.

"Well, I'm the CEO at my dad's company. I was married for 6 years and then we decided to get a divorce. And that's about it. My life has been pretty much about work. I barely have time to date. That's why I love summer, I can take a break from the city and come to this beautiful town. And I'm Italian."

"I thought you would be all cold and the typical men, I don't do feelings and all that crap." I mentioned, he laughed at my comment.

"I am cold, but only at work. Outside of work I'm very hot and passionate. He licked his lips and then bit the bottom one.

I think my insides just exploded.

"What about you?"

"I'm nice to people, in and out of work. I can't be cold. It's just not in my nature." I told him before drinking my water.

Our food arrived and we ate. We started to talk about everything and nothing. I actually ended up having a good time with him. After our lunch, we left the restaurant and a man approached us.

"Mr. Ricci. Your motorbike is ready for you. I will take your car and take it to your house."

"Thanks, Antonio."

"Didn't know you liked bikes." I said.

"I do, I just don't get to ride them in the city much, so when I'm here, I use it a lot." We hopped on the bike and put on the helmets. "Hold on tight."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and the man was really fit, I could feel his abs.

We went for a ride around town. And then he took a beautiful route where you could see the beach. I was enjoying this a little too much. Was it wrong?

"Where are we going." I asked as we went under a tunnel.

"To the lake."

After 30 minutes, we arrived. We took off the helmets and left them on the bike. We walked to the lake and it was really beautiful.

"I take it you've never been here."

"Nope, this would be the first time. It's really beautiful." I said while admiring the view.

"Well, this is the best part of Mystic Lake." He told me while sitting on the grass, I followed suit.

"Thanks for showing me this place." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

A part of me felt like I was cheating on Aaron. And the other part was enjoying Archer's company. I'm such a mess.

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