Chapter 10: Stay With Me

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We made up, a lot. I don't know what's gonna happen with us, but I want to find out.

"That was amazing." I said while catching my breath.

"Stay with me, tonight." He kissed my neck.

"Okay, I'll call nana later to let her know I will stay here." I pecked his lips.

"What is it about you, Hailey. I said you will become addicted to me. But I've become addicted to you." He told me while caressing my face.

"I'm a delight." I giggled.

"That you are." He pulled me into a heated kiss, he placed another protection and then slid inside me.

After 3 rounds we fell asleep. I forgot to send nana a text. Im sure she gets the idea why I wont be going home today.

The next day I made breakfast and waited for him to eat.

"Smells delicious." He told me while entering the kitchen. "My shirt looks sexy on you."

"I feel like I'm wearing a dress, but a comfy one." I chuckled.

He sat next to me and we started to eat.
"If you cook like this, I'll have a hard time letting you go." He told me in between bites.

"Mom taught me how to cook. She was amazing."


"She was sick and passed away. I don't want to lose more people."

"Sorry for your loss." He grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers.

"Thank you. Now let's change sad topic to a happy one."

"Well, how do you feel about about swimming naked in the sea?" He asked before drinking his coffee.

"Tony could visit us, and he might think that, Archer Jr is food." I smirked making him choke on his toast.

"Don't joke about that." He sighed as I laughed.

I got up and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Do you think we're going fast?"

"Baby, it's summer. And on Summer people want to savor every minute they have. And I want to savor very inch of you." He told me before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"And what happens when summer ends?"

"Let's not think about that now. Before it ends we will talk. But I already know what's gonna happen." He gave me a cheeky smile.

I chuckled. "Fine. Let's finish breakfast and then I have to go see, Bella. She will have my head if I'm not there before she wakes up."

That made him laugh. "It's 7am. What time does she wake up?"

"Holidays, around 10am. Kindergarten days, 7am. She cries throws a tantrum and then gets ready." I chuckled as he did too.

"What about Amara?"

"She was with me and Bella the day of the accident. She lost her parents and brother that day. I became her guardian."  I answered him.

He pulled me impossible closer. "You're an incredible woman. Those little girls are lucky to have you."

"Thank you." I pecked his lips.

"I have one more question. Is Lockhart your last name, or his?"

"Aaron's. I kept it for him and because it's also Bella's." I answered truthfully.

He pecked my lips. "I think that's really sweet." That made me smile.

We finished our breakfast and I went to take a shower.

"Mind if I join." He asked while wrapping his arms around my waist and then he kissed my neck.

"It would be rude if I say no." I turned around and crashed my lips against his.
He pinned me against the wall and took me right there. And yes, the man already had protection.


We arrive home and we started to walk towards the porch, but then he stopped.

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"I have things to do." He started to walk away.

"Archer, Bella is okay. After all, she's the one who knock some sense into you." I giggled.

He walked towards me and pulled me closer to him. "I know, but you should spend today with her. I really do have things to do."

"You're not going to ignore me again, are you?"

He chuckled, "No, beautiful. It's a surprise. See you tomorrow." He gave me a mind blowing kiss.

"Alright." As I was about to walk away, he slapped my ass. "You'll pay for that one." I gave him a look, he laughed.

I entered the house and said hi to my grandparents and Amara. I went to Bella's bedroom and she was just waking up. I climbed on her bed and pull her to me.

"Hi mommy." She said in a sleepy voice.

"Hi. Baby girl. Guess who's turning five years old next month." I pinch her cheeks.

"Me. I turn five." She told me while putting her little hand on my face. I chuckled.

"Any request?"

"Yes, I want a mermaid party."  She said while getting up and started to jump on the bed.

"You got it. Your wish is my command, baby girl." I tickled her.

"Can, Archy come?"

"He will be happy to come." I smiled as she did too.

Around 2 pm, Archer invited me and the girls for some ice cream.

"Archy, you will come to my party right?" Bella asked him.

"I wouldn't miss it." He smiled at her.

"Can we go buy a book after ice cream?" Amara asked me.

"Of course, which one?"

"I just found out about Harry Potter. And I prefer books over movies."

"I have an extra collection of all the books. They were a gift for my birthday. I'm a Harry Potter fan. Is your if you want it." Archer told Amara.


"Really. After ice cream, I'll go get them and give them to you."

"He's a keeper." Amara told me. I chocked on my ice cream as they laughed.


As promised, we picked up the books and Amara was squealing. He took us home and the girls made a run to the house. I stayed in the car a little bit longer.

"You were amazing with them today." I caressed his face.

"They're amazing girls. I had a great time with them and you."

He pulled me into a kiss and we had to stop. "Everything is intense with you." I giggled.

"Ever done it, out in the open?"

I texted nana and told her I would be back later. He took me to a hill and we had incredible sex. What is it about Archer that makes me do things, that I normally wouldn't do.

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