Chapter 11: Happy Birthday, Bella

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We laid on the grass naked. Good thing it was empty.

"That was fun." I grinned.

"That, it was." He gave me a kiss and we went at it again.

We exploded together and just as we were about to kiss we heard people.

"Shit." We said at the same time.

We got our clothes and made a run to the car and got in. We looked at each other and laugh.

"That was, insane. The sex and the running away from getting caught naked." I said as he laughed.

"True, but it was fun. And we're still naked. Let's go to my house, I'll make sure you scream again and then have dinner." He gave me a devilish smile.

"Lead the way."

After a 20 minute drive we arrived at his house and as soon as we entered he picked me up and took me on the couch. I think everyone knows our names by now.


A month has passed. Things between us are better than ever. We were also 3 days away from Bella's birthday.

"Anyone missed me?"

We left the kitchen and dad was standing in the living room. I went to hug him and so did Bella and Amara.

"We thought you were arriving in two days." Nana told him.

"I was, but I wanted to see my girls. I'll stay here a week and then go back to New York." He told us.

"You can meet, Archy."

"And who's Archy?" He asked while picking her up.

"Mommy's boyfriend." She squished his cheeks.

"Boyfriend?" He gave me a look. I chuckled.

"We're not official. Come on, I'll fill you in outside.

He put Bella down and we went for a walk.

"So, what have I missed?"

"I met Archer last month. We started to get to know each other and we enjoy being together. Although we're not official, feels like it." I smiled.

"Hold on, is this the Archer, as in Archer Ricci?"

"Yeah, apparently he is very powerful." I shrugged. "But I don't care about that, I care about the person I know."

"If he can make you smile like that and you give love another chance. Then I'm happy for you, little princess." He gave me a side hug.

"I really am. He even gave Bella and Amara a chance. He was a little scared of me with kids, but gave in." I chuckled as he did too.

"What happens after Summer?"

"He says he knows. But I don't. I guess for now, we enjoy the time we have before summer ends."

"Nothing like a Summer to remember." He smiled as I did too.


The day of Bella's birthday arrived. I went to her bedroom and she was jumping on her bed.

"I'm five years old." She squealed while jumping. I chuckled.

"Little one, no more jumping. You'll wake up, Amara."

"Late, I'm already awake." She yawned while getting up and then hugged Bella, "happy birthday, little niece."

"Thank you." She hugged her back.

Some girls get jealous of each other, but these two, have a tight bond. And I love to see them like this.

"Happy birthday, baby girl." I showered her cheeks with kisses, she giggled.

"Thank you, mommy." She gave me a kiss on my cheek and then hugged me.


After a few hours, the backyard was decorated, in the little mermaid theme.

I went to get the birthday girl ready.

"Do you want the red wig?"


I got her ready and she was so beautiful.

"Stop growing up."

"I'm still short mommy." She said innocently.

I chuckled at that. "Come on, theres someone waiting outside." I grabbed her little hand a d we went to the backyard.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled.

A few of her little friends that live here came and also her best friend since diaper.



They ran to each other and hug like there was no tomorrow.

"Always the same with those two." Stella told me. She's Kristika's mom and my best friend.

"Same old, same old." I chuckled. "Where's Daruka?"

"He will come in 30 minutes, He forgot to grab Bella's present, and I told him like thousand times. Get the gift." She shook her head as I laugh.

Her husband is from India. They met in college and had a baby girl, Kritika.

"Hey beautiful." I felt two arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey, handsome." I smiled as I turned around.

"So this is the famous Archer. Hurt her and will feed you to Tony." She smiled.

"No worries. I got the family lined up with that threat." He said as we laughed.

"Archer, meet my best friend, Stella."

They shook hands. And then she left us alone.

"I have a special surprise for Bella." He pointed behind him.

"She will go crazy. Is that the surprise you told me last month?"

"Yes, I wanted it made from scratch by the best people in the city." He told me. I smiled at him.

"Archy you-" Her eyes widened at the sight. "Is that mine!?"

"Yes, your own, little mermaid plush doll. You can sleep on it too."

"I love it." She gave him a hug and then grabbed the doll and took her to her bedroom.

"I'll have a hard time packing it in her suitcase." We laughed.

We joined everyone and soon, it was time for the piñata.

"Alright, little ones. Aim for the piñata and not the people." I said as everyone laugh.

Each took a turn and neither could hit it and it was now Bellas turn again.


"Son of a-" He stopped before saying something inappropriate.

Bella took off the blindfold and realized who she hit.

"I'm sorry, Archy."

Yep, she hit Archer really hard on his knee.

"I'm sorry." She quivered her lips and started to cry.

I picked her up and she buried her little face on my neck.

"Its okay, baby girl. It was an accident, it can happen to anyone." I wiped her tears.

Archer sat on the couch and motion us to go there. I sat with Bella on my lap.

"I'm fine, it will get better tomorrow." He told her while grabbing her little hand.

"Are you sure?" She sobbed.

"Yes." He smiled as she did too.

"I'll go hit the piñata." Dad said while grabbing Bella and went to the Piñata. He whacked it and candies and all the sweets fell down. The little kids went crazy.

"Welcome to my crazy world." I told Archer, he laughed.

A Summer To RememberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon