Chapter 13: Let's Dance

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A week went by and his knee was healed. And he showed me how much he missed having crazy wild sex.

"That was fantastic." I said while catching my breath.

"Indeed, now I really need to sleep. I'm too old." He rolled to his side and pulled me to him.

"You're not old, you're only in your 30's." I giggled. "I cant believe we only have three more weeks here in this beautiful paradise."

"Don't worry about that now. We will work a way to be together." He pecked my lips.

I really hope so.


Night came and we went to the club. He told me he wanted to take me to his favorite club here.

"Great ambient. At least no one is acting drunk and stupid."

"Yet." He chuckled. "Let's have a drink and then dance, although I prefer you giving me a private dance." He smirked.

We drank 10 shots of tequila and then hit the dance floor. The songs we were dancing were pop and then went to rock and so on.

"Now this is what I like." He told me as a very sexy song came.

He pulled me impossible closer, with my back against his chest and I could feel Archer Jr. His hands travelled all over my body as we danced. I've honestly never dance like this, not even with Aaron. He wasn't a club person. He was more of a, hanging out at home, or restaurant.

Maybe it was the ambient that set the mood, but we ended up in the bathroom. Archer locked it. He pull his jeans down and then pulled my panties down too. He picked me up making me wrap my legs around his waist and then he entered me. Since I was on birth control, he didn't need to wrap it.

He thrusted me against the wall and may I say, the fact that we were having sex in a public place, made everything exciting. Once we found our release we stayed there with our foreheads pressed against each other's.

"Well, having sex in a public restroom, check." I said while catching my breath.

"Its a good thing everything in this club is always clean." He pecked my lips.

There was a knock on the door. He slid out of me and we fixed ourselves. I opened the door and there was a big line.

"There are private rooms for that." A woman rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but I wanted to have sex with my man in the bathroom. Go tell the manager what we did if it makes you feel better. Later." I grabbed Archer's hand and we went to the bar and order two beers.

"So, I'm your man now?" He smirked.

"Well, I assume you are, unless I'm seeing things wrong." I said before drinking my beer.

"I was going to ask you over a romantic dinner, but I guess the club works too. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. That would make me really happy." I placed a soft kiss on his lips.


We left the bar and since it was 5am, he took me to his place, we ended up skinny dipping and then have great sex in the water. Archer is a very passionate man.

The next day I woke up and went to take a shower, after that, I grabbed a tee shirt from his wardrobe and changed. I sent nana a text and told her I would be there before lunch.

I felt two hands wrapped around my waist, followed by kisses on my neck, as I made breakfast.

"I could get use to this."

"Well, like you said, we will find a way to be like this always." I replied as I kept cooking.

"True, plus, you're my girlfriend now. I wasn't planning on dating, but you changed that." He turned me around and crashed his lips against mine.

"Same. But life doesn't always work the way we plan. Sometimes it surprises us, in a good way." I caressed his face.

"Wise words, little one." He pecked my lips and then he went to take a seat at the table.

After breakfast, he took me home. The girls opened the door and hugged him, he hugged them back. He gave me a kiss and then left. I went inside with the girls.

"Mommy, is he your boyfriend, now?" She asked me as we walked to the living room and then took a seat on the couch.

"Yes, he asked me today." I smiled as they squealed.

"Can we go the carnival tomorrow?" Amara asked me.

"Yes, Archer actually invited us to go to tomorrow. Papa and nana you're both invited too."

"Thank you sweetie. But we're actually going over to some friends for dinner." Nana told me. I nodded.

I went outside with the girls and enjoy the beautiful day.

"Theres no dinner." Papa told nana.

"I know, but they need to bond. I have a feeling with those four. Trust your wife, mister." She gave him a kiss.

"I always do." He smiled at her.

I have a funny feeling about tomorrow. I just hope it's nothing bad.

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