Chapter 9: Plan C

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It's been a week since that happened between Hailey and Archer. I know there's more to it than what Hailey assumes.

"Nana, we need plan C." Bella told me.
"And if that doesn't work?" Amara asked.

"We'll feed him to Tony." I told them, they laughed.

I called Archer and told him that I needed his help with business. I should get an award for meddling.

"Amara, want to go for a ride on my boat?" Carlos asked her.


"Have fun." Bella hugged them and then they left.

"Let's go meet, Archer." I told Bella who giggled. I wish Hales good luck with this little one when she grows up.

"That was a powerful nap. What's for today?" Hailey asked us as she walked in the living room.

"Well, I'm going to the bakery to pick up some sweets for lunch today. You should distract your mind and go for a ride on your papa's boat with Amara. Bella wants to come with me."

"Alright, but keep her away from raw doughs."

"It was one time, mommy." She pouted.

"And that got you sick. I just want you healthy." She picked her up and shower her cheeks with kisses. She giggled.


We arrived at the bakery and Archer was already waiting at a table. We walked over there and took a seat then I greeted him.

"I'm Bella," she extended her little hand.

"Archer." They shook hands. "There isn't any business involve, isn't it?"

"Well, I have to get behind the counter. Make business with this little one." I told them and with that said, I left.


"What can I get you two?" The waitress asked us.

"Coffee is good." I told her

"I want cookies, and water, what else you got?" I chuckled at that. She's definitely something else.

"How about a mini cupcake." The waitress suggested.

"Yes, bring two." She told her while showing the waitress two fingers. The waitress left with our orders. "Why did you make, mommy sad?" She pouted.

"Because I'm an idiot." I sighed. "Are your parents aware you're here talking to me?"

"Mommy knows I'm here with nana, and daddy is in heaven."

Shit, now everything makes sense why she was hesitant to go out with me. I'm the biggest tool on the planet.

"Sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. Daddy is my angel." She smiled.

"And you're okay with your mom going out with someone else?" Usually kids her age, wouldn't like that.

"Because, you make mommy happy. And you're a good person."

The waitress brought us our orders.

"This is for you and the other for me." She gave me one of the mini cupcake.

"Thank you." I smiled.

While I ate, she was busy stuffing her face in her sweets.

"Now your face is covered in cookie crumbles and frosting." I chuckled.

"They're so goood." She giggled.

I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and pour some water and clean her face.

"All clean."

"Thank you Archy. So are you going to talk to mommy?"

"Yes, go tell your nana."

"Nana, he said yes. It was easy!" She yelled at her. I laughed.


We arrived at their house and entered it. Bella grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room.

"Mommy, look who I found."

"Who-" she stopped when she looked at me.

"Can we talk?"

"About?" She crossed her arms.

"Bella, come help get lunch ready!"

"Coming nana!" She left us alone.

We went outside and took a seat on the couch.

"I'm sorry. The only reason why I acted that way, was because I found out you had a daughter. And I guess I didn't handle it well."


"Because, I didn't think the woman that I'm interested, would be a mom. It was. a lot to take in. I don't have kids and not sure if they will be apart of my future."

"You're not helping your case." She gave me a look.

"I'm bad with these stuff." That made her chuckled. "What I'm trying to say here is, I'm sorry for treating you that way." I grabbed her hand. "Everything I told you, wasn't just to get you in my bed. That's what alcohol is for."

She laughed at that. At least she's smiling and not feeding me to Tony. I got a threat from Carlos.

"You're a goof, a tool an idiot. And many more." She caressed my face, "but for some reason, I like you too."

I leaned in and capture her lips with mine. The kiss was getting a little heated so, we stopped.

"Does this mean I get a second chance?"
"Yes, but don't pull this again. I have a shark waiting to be fed."

"Yeah, Tony. Your grandpa threaten me."

She laughed some more.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I caressed her face. "Your daughter told me, and that's when I felt like the biggest asshole in the planet."
"Thank you. If you want a second chance, you should know, my daughter is part of it and so is, Amara. Aaron's sister and Bella's aunt."

"So, you think we will last?"

"I would like to think so. You intrigue me. Haven't felt this way since Aaron. And it's a little scary, but exciting at the same time."

"I want us to last too." I pecked her lips.  "Since we're being open, at first I just wanted you for sex, but then I got to know the real you, and wanted more than just sex."

"Thanks for being honest." She placed a soft kiss son my lips. "So, want to have dessert at your house?"

"Baby, read my mind. Your clothes look better on my floor." I crashed my lips against hers.

"Horn dogs, lunch is ready." Nana yelled at us. We laughed.

We went to the table and enjoyed lunch with everyone.

"Mommy, what's a horn dog?"

I choked on my chicken. I gave nana a look. She shrugged.

"She meant hot dog. Nana is a little crazy." I whispered, she giggled.

My nana has no filter and at this rate, Bella and Amara will learn the bad words at a very young age.

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