Chapter 14: The Carnival

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The next day, we all got ready for the carnival. I was excited. The girls and Archer can bond more.

"I'm ready!" Bella told me as she entered my room.

"You look like a cotton candy." I chuckled. "It's beautiful."

"I like my tutu." She giggled while dancing like a ballerina.

"Well, it looks great, little ballerina." I pinched her cheeks.

"Mommy, I like Archer a lot. You should get married" She told me as I picked her up.

"Who knows, maybe someday, we will. For now, let's enjoy his company, and see what the future brings." I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Yes mommy." She salute me. I chuckled.

"Archer is outside." Amara told us.

We walked out of the house and then to his car. He said hi to the girls and then gave me a kiss.

"Are we ready?" He asked them.

"Yes!" They both answered.


We arrived at the carnival and we went to eat first. After eating, we decided to play in the mini games for the food sit down.

"Archy, pick me up so I can shoot that ducky." She said while extending her arms for him to pick her. I chuckled.

He obeyed and she indeed shot the duck and won a huge mini bear.

"Take that!" She squeals as the guy who handed her the bear chuckled.

"You got two big fluffy things now. Where are you putting that bear?" I asked her.

"I won it for Amara. It's her birthday soon."

How did I get a perfect and thoughtful daughter. I count myself lucky to have her.

"Thank you." Amara smiled as Archer put Bella down.

"I hope your doll and the bear fit in the luggage." I said as they laughed.

"Archer Ricci. Didn't think I would ever see you in this situation." We turned to see a woman with a baby in her arms.

"Same, but I count myself lucky." He  smiled as she did too.

"Who is she?" Amara asked Archer.

"Hailey, Amara, Bella. Meet my ex wife, Grace." We all shook hands.

I never thought I would meet his ex wife. She was beautiful and the baby boy was adorable.

"Jason wanted for us to spend a week here. So we decided to hit the carnival. Never expected to find you here."

"Where is he?" He asked.

"Getting some food. But when I spotted you, I had to come say hi." She told him and then she looked at me. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. This man was a bit cold and not romantic. Glad he has you and two beautiful girls in his life."

"Thank you. I think I'll keep him for a while." I said as I gave him a side hug, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all and to see you again. We should hangout while we're here. Jason is taking us sailing tomorrow. Would you care to join us?"

"Yes, we would love too." Bella answered for all of us. Grace chuckled.

"Then it's settled. I'll text you the address to meet later. I have to rush to my husband. Bye everyone." With that said, she left.

"Bella, that wasn't yours to answer." I told her.

"She asked us to go sailing, so I said yes. No one answered so I did." She told us with her hands on her hips.

When did I become the mom of a sassy and cheeky 5 year old?

"Is that okay with you?" Archer asked me.

"Yeah, she's nice. It will be fun to go sailing." I answered truthfully.

"Well, Bella-" I looked to around me and she was gone.

"Amara where did Bella go?" Archer asked her.

"I don't know, I was paying attention to your conversation with Archer."

"Oh my God, where is she!?" Tears started to fall.

We looked around the carnival, and showed people her picture, but no one saw her. I couldn't breathe. My baby girl was lost.

"I saw that girl," some kid told me. "Some guy grab her and took her to the bathroom. Maybe she got sick."

Oh God, many scenarios came to mind. The kid told us that he saw her a few minutes ago. We made a run to the bathroom he told us.


"Mommy, help!"

My heart shattered. Archer broke down the door of the bathroom cabin and grabbed the guy from his shirt.

"Bella." I hugged her as we cried. Amara joined us

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Archer yelled as he threw the guy outside of the bathroom.

People gathered around them. He didn't answered anything.

"She's fucking five years old. You're an adult!" Anger took over him and hauled off at the guy.

"The police is coming." Someone from the crowd told him. He thanked him.

"People like you deserve death and not jail." Archer spat at him.

Minutes later, the police came and arrested him. It turns out, this guy has been wanted for so long. They offered Archer a big amount for turning him in.

"Thanks, but that money should be given to him." He pointed at the kid who was with his family. " He was the one who told us where this asshole was."

"Very well, if you all could follow us, we will do as Mr. Ricci requested us." The officer told the family. They thanked him.

Everyone cleared and Archer walked towards us.

"Bella, did he touched, did he do something inappropriate?" Archer asked her concerned.

"No, I kick him before he could. But he grabbed me again and I bit him." She sobbed.

Archer pulled Bella to him and hugged her as if he was hugging his own daughter.

"How did this happened? You were with us." Amara asked her.

"I wanted a cotton candy so I went there. Then this guy grabbed me and told me he had free cotton candy. I'm sorry." She cried in Archer's arms.

"You got nothing to be sorry. Some people just take advantage of innocent little girls and boys." I said as I wiped her tears.

"Let's take you girls home." He told us.

"Will you stay with us?" Bella asked him.

"Or course." He replied.

We went back to my grandparents place and put the girls to sleep. I told them what happened at the carnival and they were furious. It's safe to say, I hate carnivals now.

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