Chapter 1: Hailey Lockhart

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Ever lost someone you loved so much? I have. Last year I lost my husband. He got in a car accident with his parents. I was devastated. I loved him and his family. A drunk driver hit them really hard, he was driving a bus. HOW DO YOU LET SOMEONE DRIVE A BUS IN THAT STATE?

But is safe to say, I made sure that bus company never work again. I'm not a rich powerful CEO woman that owns the city. The bus company tried to bribe me, but they failed. See, I don't care about money. I wanted justice and I got it. I'm just a very successful lawyer.

I live in a nice neighborhood in New York. A crazy beautiful city. And in case You're wondering, I'm 27 years old. I haven't been on a date since he passed away. Men ask my out, but I decline. No one has caught my attention.

I will always love Aaron. And I want to make sure if I do meet a guy, he needs to be okay that, I come with two little troublemaker.

"Mommy, Amara doesn't want to give me her chocolate." She pouted with crossed arms.

I chuckled.

I have a beautiful 4 year old daughter. Bella Lockhart. She's a mini version of Aaron. And Amara is Aaron's little sister. She's 10 years old. She didn't have anyone else to stay with. Her grandparents were also dead. It was either me or a foster home, so I became her guardian. Turns out, her parents put me and Aaron as guardians in case anything happened to them.

"You ate my cookie earlier." Amara sighed.

"It was calling me." She gave her puppy eyes.

Wait for it...

"Fine, half okay?" Amara gave in. Her weakness is this little person.

Bella doesn't call her aunty Amara, says is too long. But when they grow up, she said she will.

"Thank you!" Bella squealed.

"You two are crazy. No more sweets for the day. And get some sleep, we will leave for the airport at 5 am."

"Are we going to, nana's?" Bella asked.

"Yes, I think we all need a little vacation."

They squealed and started to jump in the living room. Never a dull moment with these two.

Around 3 am I woke them up. Amara went to get ready and I went to do mission impossible.

"Bella, baby girl, wake up." I shook her lightly.

"No." She mumbled in her sleep.

"We have a flight to catch. Get up or I'm Leaving you." I teased her.

"I want to sleep." She started to cry.

Bella hates when they wake her up really early. She cries, throws a tantrum and eventually calms down.

After 40 minutes, she was all dressed up and now she was hurrying me to dress.

"All done. You're too bossy for a four year old." I tickled her. She giggled.

"I dreamed about daddy. I miss him." Her lips quivered.

"I do too. But your daddy will always live here." I placed my hand where her heart is. "He is your guardian angel." I smiled.

She gave me a hug and cried. I cried too. It breaks my heart when she gets this emotional. Bella has a tender heart. Just like me.


We arrived at the airport and waited for our flight.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked Bella.

"Yes, mommy." She smiled as I smiled too.

I felt someone gripping my arm. I looked down to see Amara who was sleeping.

"You okay, princess?" I shook her lightly.

She rubbed her eyes and then looked at me with teary eyes. "I just had a dream about my parents and big brother."

"Its hard, but they will always be with you." I wiped her tears.

"They live in your heart. That's what mommy told me about my daddy. And he's my angel." Bella told her while hugging her.

"Your parents and brother are your angels. You both have three guardian Angel's." They both smiled.


We finally arrived in Los Angeles. It was a nice change. And since I own the firm, I gave myself a little vacation which me and the girls need. It was summer, and they were off school.

I saw my grandma and we made our way towards her and hugged her.

"My three favorite girls." She hugged us back. "How long will you three be staying here?"

"Two months, get ready for chaos with these little ones." I pointed at Bella and Amara who were grinning at Nana. She chuckled.

We left the airport and after 2 hours, we arrived at her house. It was a beautiful house in front of the beach. Can't ask for a better way to spend summer than here. Nana doesn't live in the city, she lives in this gorgeous town called, Mystic lake. You could say the place is magical.

"I want to go to the sea and pretend I'm a mermaid." Bella squealed.

"Race ya." Amara told her.

They started to run towards the door, "freeze, troublemakers." I said.

"Aw, Hales, we want to swim." She pouted.

"Yes mommy." She huffed.

"First you two need to unpack, eat, rest and then go for a swim."

"Fine." They said in unison.

"I'm here." We turned to see grandpa.

"Papa." We three said as we ran to hug him.

"I miss my three beautiful girls." He hugged us back.

"Let's go unpack so we can go to the beach." Amara told Bella. She nodded and went with her. Nana accompanied them.

"Are you staying for a week or-"

"Two months. We need a little break from New York." I smiled.

"Best news ever." He smiled. "I feel like I'm talking to your mom. It's crazy how much you look like her. Like copy and paste." That made me laugh.

"Thanks papa, I miss her too." I smiled back. "I'm going to unpack so we can start our vacation." With that said, I left.

I lost my mom 5 years ago. She had leukemia and didn't win the battle. She stopped fighting, she told me she was ready to leave. She couldn't handle the pain anymore. Dad is still alive. He also lives in New York. He never married again after mom. He told me, he had the best and didn't need anyone that wasn't mom.

He owns a little bakery and everyone loves his pastries. He's very loved by all his clients. I told dad that it was okay to date again. And he told me, no. So I gave up. The woman that works as a cashier, has had his eyes on dad since forever. She is a sweet woman.

"I have a feeling this summer will be great, Carlos." Nana smiled at papa.

"What are you up to, Kelly?"

"Who me? Nothing." She pecked his lips and then left.

A summer to relax and that's about it...I think.

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