Chapter 8: The Next Day

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The next day I woke up by someone lightly snoring. I chuckled. Last night was amazing.

I checked my phone and no text from anyone so I left it on the night stand. I grabbed his shirt and put it on, then went to make breakfast.

After a few minutes everything was ready. I waited for him to wake up and come eat with me.

A few minutes went by and he entered the kitchen. But he had a very serious look.

"I wanted to make breakfast as a thank you for yesterday. It was rea-"

I was cut by him. "I have a meeting in five minutes. You should probably go home."

"Okay? Is there something wrong?" I asked while getting up and walking towards him.

"Just leave, please."

Then it hit me, "everything you told me and did, was just to get me to sleep with you. Makes sense now. Why would  someone like you be interest in me. You're, Archer Ricci."

Tears fell down, how could I have been so stupid. "I was about to open up to you, I wanted to tell you my story. I hope the next girl wont be stupid like me."

I went to change and left his house. This is what I get for giving this a chance. I get burned. I arrived home and then took a shower. After my shower, I went to lay down on the bed.

"Oh mommy." I looked to see Bella skipping through the room until she reached the bed and climbed on the bed.

"Hey, baby girl." I hugged her.

"Mommy, I missed you." She gave me a hug.

"I missed you too." I hugged her tightly.

"Where were you?"

"I was busy, but today I'm all yours." I tickled her.

"Yay, let's swim with Tony." She squealed.

"Yeah, no. No swimming with Tony, understood?" I gave her a look.

She quivered her lips and cried. "But, Tony is cute."

"Bella, unless that shark is toothless, theres no swimming with a shark."
She huffed.

"Actually, Tony is toothless, he lost them all last year in an accident." Papa told us as he entered the bedroom.

"Didn't you say you would feed Archer to Tony?" I gave him a look.

"We can chop Archer in pieces so Tony can swallow him, but that's only if Archer hurts you."

I chuckled at that. "Fine, let's go swim with Tony."

Bella left the room squealing and told Amara the news and Amara squealed too. We got change and went to the beach. Tony arrived an hour later.
I watched as Bella played with Tony along with Amara and papa. I smiled at those three.

"Mommy come inside."

I sighed and joined them. If you can't with them, join them. I ended up having a blast. I forgot that Archer just used me.


Later at night, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few ingredients, I forgot since I was making dinner.

I was about to grab a chicken when I saw him talking to a woman. Might be his next flavor of the week. I grabbed the chicken and left quickly. I didn't want him to think that I was spying on him. I paid for my stuff and then left.
I arrived home and started to cook dinner. Dating is harder than I remember.

After dinner, I put Bella to sleep and Amara told me she was going to read a little and then sleep. I left their bedroom and went to mine.

"You okay?" Nana asked as she entered my bedroom and took a seat on the bed.

"Yeah." I gave her a faint smile.

"What's wrong?"

"He used me." I sighed.


"Yeah, all those sweet things he told me, was to get me into bed and-"

"Now I know why you didn't come back." She wiped my tears.

"Nana, we've only known so little,  yet there's something about him. I thought we had a connection last night. He was perfect."

"It just doesn't make sense as to why he would treat you like this." She told me.

"Well he did and now I'm a mess. I slept with someone I've known for what, three days and I felt something even though I denied it." I said as I laid my head on the pillow.

"Rest, tomorrow is a new day and maybe things will clear up."

I was already sleeping. It's been a very exhausting day. Nana gave me a kiss on my forehead and then left.


"Are you stupid?" Charles told me over the phone.

"Imagine hearing that the woman you like, has a daughter. I don't even know if she's involve with the kid's father, or if she's cheating. She hid her daughter." I replied

"Maybe she was finding the right moment. Listen you idiot. You clearly made some connection with this woman. You wanted her and you got her. You hear one thing and you made her believe that you only wanted her for sex."

"What am I suppose to do?"

"I don't know, get it together and talk to her." I could feel him rolling his eyes.
"We'll see, later Charles." I hung up.

I just never expected that she would have a daughter. But I did treated her like I just wanted her body. I don't know what to do. What's the right thing to do in this case?

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