Chapter 16: Last Day Of Summer

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I couldn't believe that tomorrow was our last day in this. beautiful paradise.

I got out of bed and went to make breakfast. The girls were still sleeping in the guest room. Archer invited us all to have a movie night at his house and the girls were more than happy to.

I felt two arms wrapped around my waist, followed by kisses on my neck.

"You okay?"

"I'm sad, tomorrow is the last day of Summer" I replied while turning off the stove.

He turned me around and pecked my lips. "Just because Summer is over doesn't mean we are. I want to be with you."

"But how, you haven't even told me where you live." I gave him a look.

"I live in New York, beautiful." He smirked.

I jumped in his arms and gave him a mind blowing kiss. "Is this why you told me, that you already knew what was going to happen?"

"Of course, and your grandparents told me you live in New York too, so how about we all fly together to New York." He caressed my face.

"I would love that a lot." I hugged him.


Later that night, he took us home and we said bye to him. We entered the house and the girls went to the living room to watch a movie.

"How was everything?" Nana asked as we walked to the backyard.

"It was great nana." I smiled.

"Is there something bothering you?"

"I'm just scared, the girls have gotten attached to him. What if things don't work out in New York. What if what we had was great, because it was a Summer romance?"

"Sweetie, he may not have said it, but that man, loves you. He looks at you the way your dad looked at your mom." That made me smile.

"I love him, I will tell him tomorrow. He told me to meet him tomorrow at our favorite place. What more romantic place, than a beautiful lake." I smiled as she did too.

"Everything will turn out fine. I'm sure he will tell you that he loves you too."

"I hope so nana. I never thought I would love someone again. But I do love Archer, and as cheesy as this may sound, he made me believe in love again." Tears fell down my cheeks.

She pulled me to her and let me cry. I was emotional. Maybe it's the fact that tomorrow Summer ends. Or that he will not love me back. I was just emotional.


The next day, I got all of our suitcase ready. We just left the clothes we were going to travel with.

Night came and I went to our spot. It was the little lake in the cave. That became our favorite spot.

I waited. And waited. Maybe something held him in his house or work. I waited for 2 hours. And I gave up. I went outside and it was raining like crazy.

I didn't want to cry, but I ended up crying as I walked to my car. I knew it was too good to be true.

I drove to his house and pounded on his door.

"Open the door, you asshole." I yelled as tears fell down. "How could you do this to me!"

I saw a shadow inside, why was he doing this.

"I was going to tell you something important. I fell for you and you let me fall!" I cried. "How could you." I dropped to the floor.

The door open up and I saw his housekeeper.

"Miss, Mr. Archer left this morning. I was cleaning and didn't hear you till now."

"Where did he go?" I asked as more tears fell down.

"He didn't say anything. He just packed up and left in a hurry." She replied.

"If he ever comes back, tell him that he is an asshole good for nothing." With that said, I left.


I arrived home and I was a mess. Nana was stunned when she saw me. Luckily the girls were sleeping.

"He didn't catch me." I broke in my nana's arms.

"What happened?" Papa asked.

"She got her heart broken." She told papa.

"I'm going to kill him." He said angry.

"It's fine. I went to his house and he wasn't there. He left." I sobbed.

They both hugged me. This is what I get for believing in love again.


The next day, we got ready and had breakfast.

"We're going to miss you three." Papa told us.

"Same. You should come to New York and stay with us. Even if it's a few days." I told them. They nodded.

We finished our breakfast and they took us to the airport. We said bye to them and nana told me that, things will work out. I love how positive she is. But I'm not sure if they will.

We checked in and waited in the VIP room for our flight.

"Mommy, we didn't say bye to Archy."

"He had business and was very busy." I replied.

"We will see him again?" Amara asked.

"Girls, I don't know. What we had, was a Summer romance. Some of them don't last. But you know what? I'll treasure our moments together because, it was a Summer to remember." I smiled at them.

I didn't have the heart to tell them that Archer left, and that there was a possibility of never seeing him again.

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