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(Aphmau POV)(Afternoon)

"Let me go!" I say as I struggle to get out of the restraints that Michael has me in.

Michael smirks a little "I don't think so."

"What do you want with me so badly?" I ask curiously.

Michael lightly laughs "That's easy, you have a connection to Lady Irene."

"How?" I ask confusingly.

"Well you know how to heal people don't you?" Michael asks as he raises one of his eyebrows.

Shock goes through my body "H-How do you know about that?!"

Michael laughs a little more "You don't think I haven't noticed that all of Ein and Aaron's scars are gone? Scars don't disappear permanently, they stay on the body forever no matter how faded they are. Yet in Ein and Aaron's case, it's like they were never there."

I start to get a little irritated "Just because I know how to heal, doesn't mean that I'm related to her."

Michael narrows his eyes "How come you look like her then?"

"I don't know, why are you a jerk?" I ask sarcastically

Michael sighs "We're not getting anywhere with this, I'll be back later with more questions."

I watch Michael walk out of room which is basically made out of concrete and the worst part. The room is soundproof so no one can hear me no matter how loud I scream or yell and even if I wanted to escape, I wouldn't be able to since it can only be opened by Michael or someone with brute strength. As soon as the door closes I break out of the restraints and heal the marks on my wrists. Shortly after I heal myself, I stand up from the chair and begin to pace around the room impatiently.

Aaron please hurry, but be sure you're careful on the way here.

Love Conquers All {Sequel to After Starlight Wonderland} | Aarmau AU {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now