[[During battles with villains/heroes]]

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a/N: Y'know when you feel dead inside.

It's me after Kakyoin.

• • • •

~ I z u k u ~

Since he's holding One For All, he takes a big responsibility at keeping you safe. You don't really know how he manages to stand up after hurting himself majorly. But just like Uraraka, you admire his strength. You remember he promised your parents he'd keep you safe from the villains you both would come across. He's not overly protective but just enough to not be completely oblivious at a nearby threat or if someone seems suspicious. You completely rely on him when you know you can't win a fight. And that's what makes your relationship with him during a battle a good thing. Although there are times he worries off his head.

~ B a k u g o u ~

He doesn't even try to protect you over anything. But it isn't because he doesn't care or worry for your safety. He knows how strong you can be and knows you can defeat that villain you picked a fight with. He respects you and your solo fights. Though that does not mean he won't jump in when you need help even though he does it begrudgingly sometimes. But he does it because he loves you. I swear.

~ S h o u t o ~

Shouto is extremely protective. It's not obvious as he keeps his calm and relaxed expression at all times even during battles. Well, most of the time. He's good at hiding his emotions so he obviously hides how protective he is too. It's by subtle messages you are able to see it. How the little things he does during battles can be a giveaway sometimes. But sometimes his calm expression drops during serious and severe situations and his ultimate goal is to keep you as safe as he can possibly can. Even if it costs him his life.

~ K i r i s h i m a ~

He's not overbearingly protective but he's a bit too protective sometimes. He constantly worries about you when a new villain attacks or shows up. His first priority is to protect you as your boyfriend. It's manly in his eyes to protect the ones he loves and appreciates. Usually he'll usher to stay behind him or close to him during fights and get a bit bothered if you don't wanna comply. He'll lose his composure and ability to fight if he sees you get severely injured or hurt by a villain. He becomes vulnerable and loses himself for a split second. So please stay close to him.

~ A i z a w a ~

This grown man has to take care of Bakugou and Kirishima. So he knows how to take care of a situation. He usually doesn't worry about your sake since you're an experienced fighter and have a good grip at your quirk. But at times he stops you from battling an enemy. And you trust his instinct. He usually doesn't get in the way in your fights and lets you handle it. But will stop you if you or the enemy get too out of hand. He's basically raising all of Class 1-A so he knows his stuff.

~ D a b i ~

Despite being a villain, and constantly getting into fights with heroes, Dabi is surprisingly protective. But it's subtle like Shouto. He worries if he shows too much affection to you or becomes too noticeably afraid when you're in danger, the heroes will take you away from him and hold you for ransom. (a/N: Let's be real Izuku cannot do that-). You try your best to reassure him you'll be fine, but he forces you to fight alongside a fellow villain, usually Toga. And he doesn't trust that you can fight on your own when facing opponents like Shouto Todoroki or Izuku Midoriya. He means well and has saved you from being overpowered countless of times in the past. But honestly he's sometimes a bit too much...

~ I i d a ~

Iida is afraid and it's visible. It's one of his greatest weaknesses as a boyfriend is that he worries far too much for his own good and he does not know how to control it sometimes. Billions of situations go into his mind and flood his thoughts. There have been a few times during battle when villains take a notice at Iida's ways and try to use it against him by holding you for ransom or so even though you're clearly capable of taking them down. (a/N: Unless it's Dabi.) Iida means well by constantly checking up on you and being overbearing. But sometimes he tries to cool down when in battle or else it might cost him much more than just your injuries.

~ S h i n s o u ~

He's laid back when you fight or fighting with an opponent. He trusts and believes that his quirk can stop anything and anyone from hurting you too gravely. Like Bakugou, he respects your solo fighting and doesn't interfere even if his gut is telling him to out of sheer anxiety. Shinsou knows you're a strong person and can handle yourself pretty well at fighting. So he tries his hardest to not let his protectiveness get in the way of the fighting.

~ K a m i n a r i ~

Kaminari CAN be overbearing. But that is when the situation becomes too violent or severe and he knows that you cannot handle the severity of it. He's usually like Bakugou and Shinsou, not getting involved in your fights to allow you to grow. You struggle with fighting and he thinks the best way to help you is by watching afar during fights. Letting you do the heavy work and fight for yourself and for citizens. He thinks this way you can learn your own method of fighting and grow on it, becoming less and less of a damsel in distress. Hell, there were times he was the damsel in distress and you came to his rescue. So he trusts your abilities.

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a/N: Annnnd done! I gotta update Euphoria next tho uGGhhHhHh.

I love these stories but I get too lazy with them-

Anyways thanks for reading this chapter after my incredibly long hiatus! Love y'all!

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