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^^^ I feel attacked^^^

Janey's Story

A way to tell whether it is Janey or Paige's story is by looking at the year. 2025 is Paige's story anything before that is Janey's story unless clearly indicated that it is a flashback in Paige's perspective.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Main Society Headquarters
17 May 2020

She didn't tell anyone where she was going, she just stood up and walked out of the building. To her surprise, no one followed her or asked any questions. Perfect.

It was a warm, sunny day and everything just seemed to be glowing. How on Earth could she spend it crammed in a small building while working on a case all day?

Hoping in her car, she turned the music up so high people walking past could heard it. But it's not like she cared. She knew Nicholas would be out, looking for her and her lazy butt soon but didn't care. You don't get many days like this back in Ireland.

Driving fast down a highway, she opened the roof of her red convertible and let the wind blow in her face and through her recently-cut-to-mid-back-length blond hair. Throwing a pair of her favourite sunglasses over her eyes she let herself enjoy the moment.

Admittedly, she was one of the best in the Society when it came to mission. She shared the position with Cassidy, Kyla and Lincoln. But unlike them, Janey just could not stand being stuck in a room when she had a convertible and worked next to a beach. In fact, no matter where they were, Janey would never a country without buying at least one souvenir or going to a tourist attraction. They had been late for many flights because of this.

That being said, Janey was passionate about her job and wouldn't ask for any other job. And to top it all off, she had the most amazing friends.

She wished she could go out with her friends but if it wasn't related to work, they weren't that interested in touring. Boring, right?

But that didn't stop her from having the time of her life.

Parking her car at the beach parking lot, she exited the machine and took off her red converse off her feet followed by her socks.

She found a place far from everyone else and placed the picnic basket she had packed and hid in her car that morning on the sand.

She watched the waves for a while as she ate her had sandwiches before sighing in content and lying on her back.

Janey must have fallen asleep because next thing she knew, she was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing.
She frowned a first but then brightened up upon seeing who it was.


"Janey!" Lincoln's relieved voice was heard on the other side. "Where did you go? Why didn't you answer any of our calls? We were worried sick!"

"Calm down. I just went to the beach and I didn't answer because I fell asleep."

She could hear Lincoln sigh.

"Well, Nicholas has been looking for you for the past couple of hours and he didn't seem thrilled about having to go out and find you... Again."

She shrugged.

"He'll have to deal with it."

"Janey, if you continue like this, you could be kicked out."

"I'm one of the best they have. They'd be kidding themselves if they threw me out."

"Just come back, okay? And what should I tell Nicholas? That you were out tanning?"

"Stop stressing and leave that to me. In the meantime just tell him I said I was on my way back and nothing else, okay?"

"Oh Janey, what will we do with you?" He chuckled before hanging up.

As promised, she jumped back into her convertible, put her socks and shoes back on and raced down the highway until she reached the Headquarters again.

"Dave, where have you been?" Nicholas yelled as he watched her enter the building but soon stopped upon seeing her covered in bandages and her clothes ripped.

"I'm fine," she panted out before revealing five large cups of coffee. "I went out to get coffee then I saw a cat stuck in a tree and you know I have a soft spot for animals so I just had to help it. Long story short, it wasn't a friendly cat and scratched me but I did manage to get it out. And despite saying I didn't need it, the owner took me to her house to cleanse my scratches."

It wasn't the best lie Janey had ever told but it sure was believable. It was type of thing that would definitely happen to her. Not to mention the fact that her ripped clothes and bandages all over took the lie to a whole new level.

"Well, thank you for the coffee, Dave. That was nice of you. Anyway, your flight is at half eight. Don't be late and make sure you pack everything."

"Cairo, right?" Cassidy turned to Nicholas who nodded.

"That's the last place I remember hearing Turner was at."

They all nodded before walking in their own directions... All except two.

"I often underestimate you, Dave," he smiled, his curly hair falling over his deep blue eyes and his cute, angelic smile topping it all off.

"I admit, you do," she joked earning a playful eye roll from him.

"So how was it?"

"Amazing. So gorgeous. You should have come."

He shook his head gently.

"I have a lot of work to finish."

"Don't we all, Linc? You should really learn when to just sit back and relax and not worry about work."

"Not sure if that's even possible for me," he joked but she could tell he meant it.

"You should come along one day. Maybe we could go out to the beach together when I return. How does that sound?"

"Amazing. I'll be looking forward to that. Have a safe trip, by the way."

"Thanks. Bye."


Then they went their separate directions, Lincoln looking back every now and then.

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