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Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Main Society Headquarters
23 January 2025

Like she had said, Paige went to the shooting range. Last time she was there, it had been off limits. Technically, it should still be off limits for her -- people in training aren't allowed in places like that -- but Lincoln had given her a pass which allowed her to go anywhere and everywhere.

She didn't need it though. People took look at her and gave her access. No one was going to give Janey's sister a hard time.

Paige must have been there for a couple of hours before three familiar boys entered the range. They were from Stray Kids. She recognised one of them as one for the kids she used to play with, the others she had only seen at the cafeteria.

"Just try improving your aim," the oldest of the three said. He had blonde hair and displayed his dimples every time he smiled at them. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. If you finish by then, just go join Changbin, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix in the dorms. Minho, Woojin and I will be in a meeting so don't disturb."

The boys nodded before turning to the shooting range while the blonde boy (Chan) left.

"I bet I can hit that cardboard deer over there?" Another blonde asked (Jisung) the boy with him who had his natural hair colour (Jeongin).

"I bet you ten thousand won you can't," Jeongin teased.

Jisung pouted and grabbed a gun.

"Do you even have that money?"

"Nope. But I will have it soon."

Jisung rolled his eyes and finally aimed his gun at the deer. He hesitated about a minute before shooting. As Jeongin had predicted, he missed.

Paige couldn't help but snicker.

Once Jisung realised the youngest member of Stray Kids wasnt the only one to witness his failure, he began to sulk.

"Your aiming is wrong," Paige spoke up, placing her own gun down and approaching them. "You're not supposed to look through there, look through here. And you shouldn't have your gun so low down."

She helped him position his gun correctly and as soon as he had it in the proper position, he shot away and hit the deer dead centre.

Both boys looked dumbfounded. Neither could believe their eyes.

"That was awesome!" Jisung jumped up. "Thank you so much! That was amazing! You see I.N, I'm not as pathetic as you think!"

"That's only because she helped you out!"

That's when it finally hit them.

"Who even are you?" Jisung asked. "I mean who were you. Not in a mean way but just out of curiosity, you know. Like, what your name and all," he rambled.

"I'm Paige," she shrugged. "What about you guys?"

"I'm Han and he is I.N. We're from Stray Kids. I'm guessing you're part of the Society."

She nodded.

"Have been since birth."

"Wow, that's a long time. We have three members that used to be part of the Society and-"

I.N quickly covered Han's mouth to stop him exposing too much. They may be working with the Society but Minho had specifically tlwarned them not to trust anyone.

"Yeah. I know them. Their parents used to work with mine."

They both looked at her in surprise.

"Do you possibly know someone by the name of Janey? They always talk about her," Han asked.

Paige's smile fell immediately.

"Oh, uh. Yeah. I know her."

"Or really? How do you know her? Were you also part of the kids that they used to hang out with?"

"I was but I know her because... Uh, well, Janey is my sister..."

"She's your sister? Wow, didn't see that coming. So is she around here with you or in a different country? If she's here, where can we meet her?"

Paige cocked her eyebrow at the boys' excitement. They honestly looked like meeting Janey would complete their whole lives. She felt bad when she realised she had to break the news to them.

"She's not here."

"Then where is she?"

"So, you guys don't know? No one told you anything?"

Han's smiled faded.

"Told us what?"

"Janey's dead. She died years ago."

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