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Buenos Aires, Argentina
A Random Highway
17 May 2020

Driving down empty highways as the sun threatened to set behind them was the best way to end a fantastic week in Buenos Aires. Wind blew in their faces as the convertible roof was down and loud music was blasting out.

Kyla and Janey were screaming out lyrics to some pop song they had discovered just a couple of days prior while Cassidy drove, laughing at her goofy friends.

The city past before their eyes, brightening up with fluorescent lights as the sky dimmed into night.

They drove on.

Passing buildings and streets, the girls admired how different everything looked from other cities they drove through.

The song ended too quickly and with it, Janey lowered her waving hands and pushed the hair out of her face.

"That was fun," Kyla grinned to which the latter agreed.

"Can't wait to come back here," Janey smiled as Cassidy and Kyla shared a knowing look.

"Of course you'd want to come back," Cassidy teased.

Janey averted her gaze from the dazzling city to her two friends who had large smiles plastered to their faces.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, eyes shifting from Cassidy to Kyla repeatedly.

"We all saw you with that Lincoln guy," Kyla wriggled her eyebrows.

"Oh please. How could I possibly like him?" Janey shook her head. "I literally just met him a week ago."

"Ever heard of love at first sight? And besides, if you insist you don't like him, then at least I am a hundred percent certain he likes you."

The girl blushed as she continued looking at the view passing before her eyes.

"You think?"

"Oh. My. Goodness. Dave actually has a crush. You're blushing and all," Cassidy screamed.

"Please," Janey rolled her eyes. "It's just a hot day...evening."

The two other girls glanced at each  other and chuckled before saying "Yeah right" in unison.

After that, they decided to stop messing with the girl for the rest of the trip to the airport.


Over One Of The Oceans
In Nicholas' Private Jet
17 May 2020

"A mansion, a paid holiday and now a private jet ride to Cairo. Tell me I am dreaming," Cassidy sighed in content as she stuffed her fifth burrito in her mouth and stretched her long legs out on her side of the plane.

"I never thought working for the Society was this glamorous. I never want to leave!" Kyla joined in, sipping on a glass of wine.

"You choose don't leave it," Janey simply said, eyes still fixated on the view of the sea out of the small plane window. "You're forced to."

Kyla and Cassidy shared a look before focusing on her again. Neither one of them had family members that were previously part of the Society and didn't really know how things were really run. Kyla was recruited after Nicholas got his hands on a clip of her fighting off one of Harrison's men (obviously she hadn't known it at the time) out of sheer self defense. He had tried to snatch her school bag off her. And Cassidy was recruited when her sensei sent Nicholas a clip of her doing judo. Her sensei's son was part of the Society at the time and he saw potential in her.

Janey, however, did come from a family of people working in the Society. In fact, her great, great, great, great, great grandparents had helped form the Society. It became a ritual in the family that by the age of five, they swear to work for the Society until the end of their days by a blood oath.

As she was growing up, she had to cope with not only her parents death, but her older brother, Neil's too. She was fifteen, her parents died. When she was nineteen, so did her brother. Both because of Harrison.

Soon it was just Janey and Paige left. Richard was the father figure but since the younger girl lost her parents at the age of six, Janey had to be the mother figure.

She only wished in the future Paige wouldn't be involved in all this.

But she was already sworn to the same blood oath as the rest of the family.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Cassidy asked, slightly worried.

"It's a dangerous job, Tom. Few survive. Lost my whole family to it...well, technically there's still Paige. But who knows? Anything could happen to her." Janey gazed at their scared faces and chuckled. "Calm down. All I'm saying is you can survive and it is a pretty amazing job but you'll need a lot of work to keep it up. One slip up and you're gone. Anyway, where did you find those burritos? I'm starving?"

And then she walked towards the storage section in search of food, leaving Cassidy and Kyla terrified.

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