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The flight back to Buenos Aires was silent. Everyone has their head in the clouds, lost deep in their thoughts.

The Rebellion. Janey had heard Nicholas talking about it several times but she never really bothered to listen too carefully, thinking she wasn't involved.

They were after her.

Did Nicholas know this? Was he trying to protect her without her knowing? Or maybe he was part of the rebellion. No, don't be silly. He wouldn't.

Janey couldn't help but get this odd, sickly feeling in her stomach telling her someone close to her would eventually join the rebellion. She repeatedly pushed it away but it kept on returning, filling her mouth with a bitter, sour taste. The taste you get after throwing up.

Harrison's a smart man and being the Society's main enemy shows how powerful he really was. Above all, he's an honest man, one of his best qualities. He does not say anything he doesn't mean. His predictions come true more often than not. Janey really hoped this was one of those instances where he was wrong.

Upon arriving in Buenos Aires, Cassidy rented a car. The company was all out of convertibles so they had to go for the next best thing: a black van. It wasn't much but at least Kyla could stretch her feet and use her laptop in the back.

Like normally, Cassidy drove while Janey was in the passengers seat. No music played this time around and I guess the skies must have sensed the sombre mood because that day, for the first time in a long time, it rained.

"Girls," Nicholas welcomed them with a large embrace. "You're back."

Clearly, he had missed their exchange with Harrison.

"We need to talk," Cassidy mumbled.

After Janey, Cassidy was the most playful our of the three. She wasn't as rebellious or witty as Janey but she still had a few tricks up her sleeve. Kyla was the most serious but she did know how to have a little fun.

I guess the fact that Cassidy was dead serious now was what made Nicholas's smile falter.

"Alright," he said slowly. "What does it concern? By the way, what happened with Harrison? My connection died after that."

They all glanced at each other.

"That's what we need to talk about."

It was Kyla who spoke this time around but that still didn't seem to put him at ease.

"Not here," he uttered. "There are too many people. And not now, Lincoln and I have to research on... Uhm... Something. At five, meet me in my office. I should be done by then. Besides there's someone I want you to meet."

As if on clue, a girl with long, black hair approached them. Her hair had soft curls and freckles speckled her nose. Along with that, she had deep blue eyes, covered by a pair of gold rimmed spectacles. She looked a bit like-

"This is Lily, Lincoln's sister," Nicholas introduced her.

On a normal occasion, Cassidy would have nudged Janey and whispered, "look, it's your sister-in-law."

But this wasn't a normal occasion.

"Hi," Kyla gave her a quick smile. "I'm Blake and this is Tom and that is Dave. Nice to meet you."

"Chill, Kyla," Nicholas laughed slightly. "No need to go all formal with her. She's joining the Society, she's not a threat." He turned to Lily. "This is Kyla, Cassidy and Janey."

"Janey? So your the girl Lincoln's been on about all week." Lily's accent was identical to Lincoln's: a thick Scottish one. Only, her voice was a lot sweeter than her brothers. Janey wasn't quite sure whether that was a good thing or not. She wasn't necessarily in the mood to trust anyone at that moment.

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