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If finding out her older sister was pregnant wasn't enough, the rest of Paige's day seemed to go downhill. Her final straw was right before she went to bed. It was like an insult to her being, like adding salt and vinegar to an open cut.

But before that, Lincoln's odd behaviour did not go unnoticed. When he returned with Stray Kids, he quickly excused himself and headed to the library. Cassidy following immediately after.

Paige thought about what Kyla had said earlier about it. Was Cassidy really convinced that Kyla killed Janey? Was she convincing Lincoln the same thing?

"Are you alright?" Minho asked as he and Changbin approached her, concern tattooed to their faces.

"You were half dead when we left this morning," Changbin commented.

"Oh, that? Yeah, I'm alright. How was practice?"

"Cool, I'm not really a gun type of person but it was fun. A really good stress relief," Changbin grinned while a scowl grew on Minho's face.

"I thought you were banned from weapons," Paige snickered.

"Lincoln says we need all the help we can get so everyone will be using a weapon."

"I see." Paige glanced at Minho, sensing he still wasn't completely with it. "Changbin's old enough to learn how to properly fight."

"I know, I know," Minho sighed. "It's just... Whenever Chan and I have a gun in our hands, we kind of lose control. We remember how our parents passed and we become ruthless. I don't want Changbin to be too."

Changbin rolled his eyes.

"I won't. I don't mean to be inconsiderate or anything but my parents didn't die the same way yours did."

Paige furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, noticing Minho glaring at her through her peripheral vision.

"My parents died in an aeroplane crash on their way to a mission," he explained.

Wait, what?

Minho's glare intensified and it finally made sense. No one had told him how his family actually passed. All this time he had believed his parents died in a plane crash when they exploded to bits like the rest of theirs.

Paige thought about Chan. When they were children, him and Changbin were the most closed off. It look years to actually get them to talk comfortably. Minho, on the other hand, took an hour.

Now, Chan was quiet again. And she knew it wasn't just because of being  separate for years. He was colder, more bitter and he, indeed, let out an intimidating 'mafia leader' aura. This aura gave her shivers and goosebumps. She wasn't usually scared of mafias and their leaders alike. She was part of the Society, at this point she could go head-to-head with the Devil himself and possibly win.

But Chan new aura was different. It reminded her of one Janey had once described: the horrid, icy atmosphere that radiated off of Harrison.

Don't get me wrong, Chan was by no means working for Harrison. He would never. It was just the ambiance that was too close for comfort.

Minho was still bright and lively and chatty. He was nice to her (but mean to the Stray Kids boys) and always tried to include her or make her feel less lonely. He has always been like that.

Perhaps Minho was worried that if Changbin found out how his parents actually passed, he would turn out like Chan.

"I see," Paige cleared her throat. "Lucky them. Lucky you. I wish my parents at least died that way."

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