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Part Two of Janey's Reports

A month has officially passed and I'm still cold. The fire is currently dying down and I'm running short of wood and other supplies. I think I'll have to go out of hiding again soon to stock up.

No one has found me yet which means I'm certain they are well into investigations. How long will I stay in hiding? I have no clue but each day is one step closer.

But you're not reading this because you care about my wellbeing, are you? You want information which I have.  Unfortunately, I have to filter out a whole bunch for your and the world's safety. However, I can tell you what you need to know and anything that can offer help.

All of my closest colleagues work for the Rebellion, expect Nicholas. Cassidy and Kyla were behind my attack in Buenos Aires. From what I see, Lincoln isn't behind anything related to me but I know he plans to kill Nicholas.

Harrison was never part of the Rebellion so I believe it's safe to say, out of all your leaders, after right pass, Harrison will be the most innocent. Weird to hear, I know. We are brought up thinking Harrison is the equivalent to the devil when he really isn't.

Zera is innocent, rare for her kind. And Richard is the Head of the Rebellion.

My parents, Mr and Mrs Davies, and Mr and Mrs Lee were also part of the Rebellion. But they backed out. The penalty for backing out is death. They blew up the Main Rebellion Headquarters and died after. To get their revenge, the Rebellion is after the Davies and Lee children. I will ensure to drop hints to Paige if I ever see her again. If she can make sense of them, I'll never know but I have faith in her.

And no, I'm not trying to be biased. I've lived with Paige as long as I can remember, she has never failed to impress not only me, but her mentors as well. She's the other missing piece of the puzzle to strengthen the Society. The first piece being Harrison.

Lily is a liar. She didn't work for Harrison. She's working for Richard. Yes, all the information she told the Society about Harrison is true but that's only so we could attack the wrong enemy. Do not trust her. Even if she uses my love for Lincoln as a weapon. Let Paige and Linc know that the enemy must fall no matter who or what.

I guess the summary to this report is that you can't trust anyone in the Society. Don't trust anyone in the Society.

And last but not least, don't fall in love. It kills. Literally.

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