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Seoul, South Korea
Stray Kids' Hideout
22 January 2025

"No way," Minho shook his head. "I won't. I simply will not."

"Oh, come on! Hear me out first," Chan complained. "We aren't joining them, just helping out."

"Chan, I don't think you quite realise what they did to our parents."

"I do, Minho. You think it doesn't hurt me either? It hurts just as bad but our parents gave their lives to the Society. The least we can do is help."

He scoffed.

"Gave their lives, huh? You make it seem like it was just a sacrifice."

"It probably was. We don't know anything about it."

"The Society is practically a gang. It's cold, evil and secretive. I don't trust any of them."

"Oh come on, stop overthinking."

"Our parents died in an explosion. You think that's a natural cause?"

"Of course not! Harrison did it."

"I've done my share of research on it, Chan. Harrison was in Italy when it happen. He was nowhere near them. Knowing our parents they probably came across information the Society didn't want them to come across. They killed them, Chan. The Society killed our parents."

"Don't be daft! Why would they do that? They were their best members at the time-"

"Which is why they would kill them off. If they rebelled against the Society, the Society would stand no chance. They had to get rid of them before that happened."

Chan rolled his eyes before running a hand through his hair.

"What should I do to get you to come along?"

"Nothing. I'm not moving an inch."



"Pretty please."

"Not a chance. I'm not dying to that stupid Nicholas."

"Nicholas isn't in charge anymore. Someone killed him years ago."

Minho cocked an eyebrow.

"Did he? Who's in charge now then?"


"Who the heck is that?"

"I don't even know but he has relations with Janey."

"Janey? Who's that?"

"Janey Davis. The girl who we used to train with in Dubai. Her, her older brother Luke and younger sister Paige."

"Oh, I remember her. She remained in the Society? Is she dumb?"

"Stop it, Minho. The Society isn't the devil. Our parents died because of Harrison and that's that. They aren't trying to kill anyone."

"Then why are they so secretive? Why don't they tell us exactly what happened? From what our parents wore to their scattered, burnt body parts, huh?"

"Same reason we won't tell Changbin how his parents really died."

He hit a soft spot and it was obvious. Minho bit his bottom lip and ran a hand through his hair.

"We can't go back, Chan," he covered his hands over this face. "I can't face that office again. He'll find out sooner or later and he'll blame us. He's the closest thing I have to a brother, to family. I can't have him hating me."

Chan sighed.

"He won't hate you. He might be mad for a while but it wouldn't be for too long."

"Still. I don't want him to find out. He'd be just as messed up and ruthless as us. He won't be the sweet little boy he currently is-"

"Hey, Chan, Minho, we just got an email from an anonymous person. I think you should check it out. It's... Creepy," Hyunjin called them from the door.

The two boys glanced at each other temporarily before walking out of their meeting room.

Everyone was crowded around a single computer screen in the living room, Chan and Minho approached them slowly and glanced at it.

"Who is that?" Seungmin asked, taking his gaze off the screen, feeling like he was about to throw up.

Chan and Minho leaned closer to the screen, unable to believe their eyes. The email was just full of pictures of a girl that had been murdered. Blood covered her entire being and her body and face were completely messed up from stab wounds and bullet holes but despite all that, they knew who it was.

"Print those out. Now!" Chan yelled as backed away from the screen and groaned.

"Meeting room, now," Minho uttered with authority and all Chan could do was follow along, still dumbstruck.

"Believe me now?" Minho practically growled out in anger. "Or does whoever that person was have to send more pictures of dead agents, huh?"

"She was just killed, Minho. No one said the Society did that. You think Harrison's capable? He's grim and cold but he isn't that evil. Only the Society can do something that evil."

"Whatever, Minho. We are still going to help out whether you like it or not."

"You're crazy."

"I might be but I'm loyal to the Society. And I think it's about time you were too."

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