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Janey's Story

Three months had passed and Janey was returning from a trip to the nearest town to buy more firewood and food. She has since gotten more used to the cold though it was still rejected by her body.

Upon opening the door to her cabin, a gust of warm air welcomed her. She relished the feeling against her icy flesh before it hit her, the fire had died before she left. Yet now it was crackling loudly, clearly made not long ago.

She dropped her groceries and firewood and pulled out the pistol she never went without. There was a loud noise coming from her bedroom as if someone was tearing it apart. She approached the room stealthily and listen for a while before swinging it open and aiming her gun.

The person turned around. He was dressed in warm black clothes and had a mask hiding his face.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She yelled, her voice full of strength and control. She missed that.

The man laughed slightly before pulling off his mask and grinning widely at her.

"Calm down, Dave," Lincoln chuckled. "It's just me."

"That's what I'm worried about."

"Me? You think I'm after you?"

"Why wouldn't you be? You're part of the Rebellion."


"Don't lie to me. I've done enough research to catch you out."

His face dropped.

"What have you seen?"

"You want to kill Nicholas."

"Wanted," he corrected. "I wanted to, not anymore."

"Why not?"

"It was selfish of me. I shouldn't have even considered it. I backed out but they are after me. They still plan of killing him so I will feel even more guilty."

"How can I trust you?"

He gave her a small smile.

"I'm not asking you to, that's your choice. Shoot me if you want. Life can't possibly ever get better."

Janey lowered her gun.

"What does that mean?"

"The Society has become an utter mess since your departure. Thought it was bad before? It's a catastrophe now."


They sat in front of the fire, cups of tea in their hands. Lincoln was still shivering and had a thick blanket around his shoulders. Janey let him hog the fire, watching him carefully from slightly behind.

She had forgotten just how amazing he was. Although in terrible state, he'd go on and on about his job and how much he loved it. She watched how his big blue eyes sparkled with each word and how his lips naturally curved into a content smile. Something about him was so alluring but Janey couldn't quite pinpoint what. She felt so attached to him and wanted to spend more time in his company. Maybe it was the fact she hadn't had much human interaction for the past few months, or maybe it was the fact that of all people, Linc found her.

"Are you even listening?" He chuckled, waving a hand in front of her face. He wore a warm smile and emitted a calming ambiance that Janey just couldn't get enough of.

"Not really...."

He ruffled her hair.

"What? Were you drooling over me?" He joked.

"I just... Missed you so much."

He was clearly taken aback as he blushed and avoided eye contact.

"I guess... I missed you too."

Janey leaned closer to him.

"How did you find me?"

"I checked security systems in the train station and airport which led me to Russia, and all the cabins in Russia until I got here. Took me ages but it was worth it."

"Worth it?"

He glanced at her, a bit surprised at her close proximity.

"The Society is dying, we need you to return. So yes, worth it-"

A look of offense and hurt took over Janey's face before she moved back a bit.

"Drop the work for a second, Linc," she huffed. "Are you honestly telling me you traveled across the world just because of work? Not because I was missing and you genuinely wanted to find me?"

Linc chuckled.

"I was messing with you. There's a reason why I was the only Society member that bothered. Nicholas told me about what he told you but I just couldn't concentrate knowing you could be out somewhere dying. So I ran away from the Society."

"Really? You did that?" She scoffed, not convinced. "You can barely go out past your curfew, you expect me to believe you ran away?"

"Maybe a year ago I wouldn't have even considered it. But I didn't know you a year ago." He held her hand and gently kissed it. "Old Lincoln wouldn't have left work to go to the beach, old Lincoln wouldn't have backed out of the Rebellion realising how selfish he was being, old Lincoln wouldn't have ran through a shoot out and risk his own life to save someone else's. I guess it's safe to say love changes people."

Janey grinned and leaned closer again.

"Love? You're in love with me?"

Linc copied her action, leaving no more than five centimetres between their faces.

"Of course I am. I love you more than words can explain."

She didn't even say any more. She let her lips fall against Linc's, initiating a soft, innocent kiss. Their lips moved in sync like a carefully planned out choreography.

When they pulled back for air, Janey grinned merrily.

"I guess I love you too."

Fall Down (Stray Kids Seo Changbin)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora