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^^^ STRAY KIDS GOT THEIR FIRST WIN AND GUESS WHO'S CRYING! I've been waiting for these boys to get a win since the release of Hellevator and they finally got it! Not not mention how perfect of a day considering 4419 day will never come ever again but is so meaningful ^^^

"I don't believe you," Minho shook his head. "Kyla is definitely working for the Society."

"Guys, hear me out," Paige ran a hand through her hair. "Cassidy is part of the Rebellion. She's framing Kyla like she did with Linc."

"There's so much evidence pointing to Kyla. I haven't seen one link to Cassidy."

"You have to believe me. Just trust me this once."

"On any other occasion, I would. But if we mess up, this wouldn't just lead to my death, but to everyone else's as well."

"I know, I know. It affects me as well but seriously guys. How can I ever prove to you that I'm right on this?"

Changbin and Minho glanced at each other for a moment before continuing to pack their bags for the sudden trip to Auckland.

"We'll ask Chan, Woojin or I.N," Changbin finalised.

"As if they'd confess! They are still part of the Rebellion, who knows whether this is just a trick or not!"

"Well, thanks for the trust, Paige," Woojin chuckled as he made an appearance at the doorway, a dark blue duffel bag, swung by his side.

"Sorry," she mumbled but he just shrugged it off as he approached her with a guilty smile.

"How's your leg?" His voice was soft and full of concern. "Any better?"

"Not really, no," she shook her head.

"Does it hurt?"

"Changbin just injected the area with pain relievers so I can't tell."

He nodded, sitting beside her on Minho's bed.

"I'm sorry for shooting you. I was just worried you'd kill Chan."

"Yeah, I get it. Besides, thanks for stopping me from killing him. That would have been a disaster. Speaking of Chan, is he alright? How's your stomach? Or I.N's arm?"

"They're fine and so am I. My pain relievers are starting to wear off but it's alright..." He sighed and ran a hand through his silky locks. "I just wanted to come here and tell you how terribly sorry I am. I feel like a monster... And I bet Chan and I.N do too."

"It's alright-"

"I deserve to die."

That comment alone was enough to make Changbin and Minho join the conversation.

"Deserve to die?" Minho practically screamed. "Don't say such! Relax, take a deep breath, think rationally. I swear I will slap you if you don't start thinking rationally right now!"

Woojin brought his hands to his face and covered it with them.

"What am I going to do about this mess? What did I get myself into?"

"What do you mean? Woojin, are you alright?" Changbin asked, clearly concerned.

"Stop," Paige said quietly but all of them obeyed. "Minho, switch off the light."

He shot her a weird look by did as she requested.

"Paige, what does this have to do with anything?" Changbin questioned, clearly not in the mood for shenanigans.

She grabbed Woojin's arm and turned it around, scanning every bit of skin around his wrist before she finally saw it: the blue and red flashing lights.

"What is that?" Woojin freaked out. Why is that there? Why? What? Paige?"

"A sound recorder," Minho caught up quickly. He approached the older male and pulled his wrist out of her grasp. "How? And why?"

"How, I don't know. But they probably did it to listen for any betrayal," Paige responded.

"How did you know it was there?"

"Linc showed me. He had one too. Got Zera to remove it. Bet she could do the same for you if we asked."

"Do we also have them?" Changbin searched his wrist.

"No. Or at least I don't. You should check," Paige instructed.

"Wait, so if they listen to everything then that means..." Minho started, trailing off as he searched Paige's eyes, trying to confirm what he was thinking. Her sigh did just that. "... They know our plan."

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