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Paris, France
House 245, L'Anglais Street
22 January 2025

"You what?" Lauren screamed. All Cassidy could do was sigh. She knew this was doing to happen.

"I have to go on a mission, Lauren. And it's dead serious."

"Dead serious?"

"Yes. Harrison is causing trouble again and we need to get some important papers from him."

Lauren squinted at her fiancée before grabbing a mug from a cupboard and pouring some freshly brewed coffee into it.

"If I recall correctly, Harrison is the guy that blew up your friend's parents."

Cassidy groaned. Why did she have to have such a good memory?

"Well, yes but-"

"But our wedding is in a few months and I'm not walking in there with a ghost. You're not going," she stated, sipping on the coffee and heading to the living room, passing Cassidy on the way.

"I'll be fine. I'm strong."

"Firstly, so we they, secondly, so is he, and thirdly, when was the last time you fought anyone. Admit it, Cassy. You aren't fit for the job. Call this Lincoln person and tell him you aren't going... Or should I do it for you?"

"I have already walked out on my friends once. I'm not going to walk out on them again."

Lauren raised an eyebrow as she took a seat on the couch, Cassidy soon sitting beside her.

"So you are picking your friends over me?"

"Don't start," she rolled her eyes. She knew Lauren would do this. She always did. "It's not like I want to do it. I have to. They need me and besides," she shoved her hand in her face to showcase the scar running down her hand. "I'm sworn to a blood oath."

"But I need you. I can't afford to lose you. What will do with my life then?"
"Stop worrying. I got this." And with that she placed a kiss on Lauren's cheek. "Glad you're okay with this," Cassidy quickly spoke while rushing off to pack before Lauren handcuffed her to pole or something.

"Wait what?" She shot up, turning to look for her fiancée but she was already long gone. With a sigh, she sat back down, crossing her arms over her chest. "If you die, I'm killing myself."

Cassidy's chuckle came moments later followed by a snort.

"See you in heaven then, my darling."

"More like hell," she laughed.

"That too."

"Apart from Lincoln, who else will be there?"

"No idea. But I suspect he must have contacted Kyla too."

Lauren rolled her eyes.

"That brat?"

"Kyla is not a brat," Cassidy peeked her head around the corner to playfully glare at the girl.

"She cut you out of her life completely because of something you couldn't avoid. And blames you for what happened."

"Technically, I was the one who ran away."

"And if I recall the story correctly, she did too."

"I mean... Well yeah but... That was after it happened. I ran away like a coward even before they could run off."

"Then they should have done that too, you know? That way they would have avoided this."

Cassidy sighed before lugging her suitcase into the living room.

"Well that was quick," Lauren muttered upon seeing her.

"Welcome to the life of an agent. You have to master the art of quick packing."

Lauren cocked an eyebrow before shrugging it off.

"Not even surprised anymore... When are you leaving anyway?"


"Ten?" She practically spat out her coffee. "That's in like in an hour!"

Cassidy shrugged guiltily.

"Another necessity to being an agent is to be ready to leave a country whenever you are told too."

"How come I've been with you for about three years and never heard of half of these things?"

"Blood oath swears to be as secretive about work as possible apart from with family or a significant other."


"Quite logical if you ask me. You'd be surprised by how many people have betrayed the Society before."

"And why would they do that?"

"Clearly you haven't encountered Harrison before. Ah, such innocent eyes you have."

Lauren glared at her.

"Don't you ever say my eyes are innocent again. You don't know what I've looked at."

Cassidy only chuckled before preparing herself her own mug of coffee.

"I've watched a man scoop out his eyeballs with a fork then kill himself with the same fork. And that's on the better half of what I've seen... Oh and by the way, the fork was blunt. I think that gives you a clearer understanding."

Lauren shivered.

"That is just plain gross."

"Agreed. There was blood everywhere."

"Ok, you got your point across. You can stop telling me about all that."

Cassidy only laughed at her response before looking down at her watch.

"I should get going. Don't want to be late for my own flight," she smiled before grabbing the handle of her suitcase. "Don't want to be like Janey," she muttered under her breath.

"What was that, darling?"

"I said I love you."

"Aw, love you too. Stay safe."

"I'll try." Then she blew a kiss in Lauren's direction and left the apartment.

This was it.

She was joining the Society again.

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