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Paige's Story

"Minho! Minho!" Changbin shook his awake. The older boy groaned as he fixated his tired eyes on him.

"What?" He asked bluntly.

"I have a problem."

"Does it involve me dying?"


"Then it can wait," he uttered before shifting in his seat to find a comfortable spot.

"Well, it probably can but I'm freaking out."

"Go freak out to someone else."

Changbin groaned, combing through his hair with his fingers.

"As much as I hate to admit it," he sighed. "You're the only one I trust enough to admit this... Although I know for a fact you will never let me live it down."

Minho sat up.

"I'm intrigued. Go on."

"I can't believe I'm telling you of all people this but... I think I like Paige."

Minho remained silent for a moment before applauding.

"Congratulations, you're officially the last person to know."

"Minho, I'm serious."

"And so am I. Literally everyone knew."

"Was it that obvious."

"You were like a leech stuck to her flesh. So yes, it was that obvious."

Changbin ruffled his hair.

"Do you think she likes me back? I mean, I'm pretty sure of it but I just want someone else's opinion."

"I'm certain of it. She really likes you."

"Not for work matters though, right? Like does she like like me."

"Changbin, I'm about to slap you and go to bed. Yes, I'm sure she like likes you."

"Good," he grinned to himself.

Minho scanned his face for a moment.

"Why are you red?"

"Am I? Is it that noticeable?"

"Yep, now what happened?"

"Paige kissed me."

"What?" Minho practically screamed, causing a few of the Rebellion members in the room to shift around in their sleep.

"I mean my cheek. She kissed my cheek," he clarified.

"What are you even still doing in here? Run out and go get that girl!"

"I mean, I want to but it's risky... Too risky. You know what I mean?"

Sadly, he did. The Rebellion tried to get people closest to the person to kill them, they could kill Changbin using Paige or vice versa. Mafias weren't much different either. A significant other was a weakness and rival mafias always aimed at the significant other to get a person right where they wanted them. Asking Paige out would increase the chances of both of those happening.

"I know but how many Paiges will you meet in your life? And how many would you have the chance to fall for? She's a Society member and you're a mafia member, whoever tries messing with you is really just asking for death."


"What did you do?" Paige asked as she took a seat opposite Linc at the study table.

He glanced up and raised his left eyebrow.

"I don't know. What did I do?"

"Were you ever involved with the Rebellion."

He was clearly taken aback.

"What makes your think that?"

"The sound recorder."

"What about it?"

"Only people involved with the Rebellion have it."

He ran a hand through his curly mess.

"Look, how many times must I say I saw framed?"

"The sound recorder isn't because you were framed, Linc. Besides, why do they want to kill you off?"

"Because I'm the Head of the Society, I'm a threat."

"I'm a threat too but you don't see sound recorders in my body. So are Minho and Changbin and neither have one."

"Look, I know it sounds like some stupid old lie but I swear I didn't involve myself with the Rebellion."

"Lie to the Stray Kids boys. Lie to Cassidy and Kyla. Lie to Janey. But don't you dare even consider lying to me. You know better."

He sighed, raising his hands up.

"Fine. Maybe I did one or two things with them but I swear I backed out."

"And now they are framing you so I can kill you, huh?"

He nodded.

"It's exactly that."

"And what were the one or two things you did with them?"

"It's... Nothing."

"I doubt."


"Nicholas randomly disappeared. Am I supposed to go around believing it's nothing more than a coincidence?"

"I didn't touch him."

"What did I say about lying?"

"I swear to it. I didn't. Yes, it was my idea to get rid of him but I backed out before they did it. I realised how selfish I was being. They did it to mess with me. I don't know what they did exactly but I'm quite sure of it."

"Sure of what?"

"The fact they killed Nicholas."


here's going to be a sequel of this story because otherwise it will be too long. If things go as planned, it'll start early June but if not, early July.

Also, thank you guys so, so much for over 100K reads on my story Taurus! I am seriously thankful and I honestly cannot believe it! Thank you so much!

~ SpicyThaiChicken

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