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Paige's Story

Dublin, Ireland
The Coffee Hub Café
21 January 2025

"Miss Davies, what a pleasure it is to see you again," Lincoln beamed, standing up and pulling Paige's chair out for her and pushing it back in once she sat down, then going to sit opposite her.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lincoln. How have you been?" She asked in return.

He smiled.

"Alright, you?" She knew it was a lie but decided not to pester him.

"I'm good."

"Want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'll just have a can of soda. I ate not long ago."

He nodded understandingly before excusing himself and going to order their beverages, only returning a couple of minutes later with two cans of soda.

"Sorry for the wait. Business here is a bit slow but at least we know Harrison's people do not spy on this place."

"Harrison?" She repeated. "The name's familiar... Why?"

"Let's just say he's been causing the Society trouble for years now. He was behind your parents' passings... And Luke's..."

Paige sighed at the sound of her parents and brother. She couldn't say she missed them like crazy since she mainly grew up when they were already gone. But she sometimes wondered how amazing of a life she would have had if they weren't linked with the Society. If they were just a normal family. They would have all been alive right now, wouldn't they?
She heaved another sigh before looking back up at Lincoln. He wasn't in his normal working attire. Now he wore a reddish hoodie, dark ripped jeans, dirty white converse and his hair was in its naturally curly and bushy state.

"So that's how I know of it..."

"Honestly, I would have preferred you not going on this mission but you're the strongest we have in the Society."

"Mission?" Paige perked up. She had never been on a real mission before. She was still in training and was to graduate in the next year.

"Yeah," he chuckled at her adorable behaviour. "Harrison got his hands on a few papers he shouldn't have. We need to get them back."

"This is so exciting! I can't believe I'm going on an actual mission... Wait... Will you be there?"

"Sorry, but not this time... That's unless something goes wrong. And don't be like your sister and mess with something just to see me," he joked, smiling sweetly.

"Classic, Janey," Paige laughed.

"But you won't be on your own. Kyla and Cassidy will join you and, well, hopefully Stray Kids too. That's if I can convince them."

Paige's smile was instantly washed away.

"Stray Kids? As in the Mafia group?"

"Yes, but don't get me wrong. I know what I'm doing."

"Hate to break it to you but Stray Kids literally do the opposite of us. They cause trouble, we fix it."

"I mean, fair enough but they deserve to see the papers just as much as the rest of us. Their parents were part of the Society. In fact, some worked alongside yours. Remember Mr and Mrs Bang or Mr and Mrs Lee or Mr and Mrs Seo?"

"Oh yeah, I know them."

"Well, there are three of the members parents."

"You said their parents were part of the Society, why aren't they?"

"After their deaths, the boys grew angry and decided not to join the society."

"Oh, but can't we just give them the papers afterwards? Why do they have to help?"

"They are strong, Paige. Very strong. And besides, I would have expected you to be more open about it. Janey told me that you guys used to hang out a lot when you were kids."

"That was when we were kids. And that was before our parents died. We were young and naïve."

"Were?" Lincoln playfully cocked an eyebrow, earning a glare from Paige.

"I'm serious, Linc.' He smiled wider at the familiar nickname.

"Ok, I'm sorry... And now thinking about it, you're a lot like Janey... You even look like her."

"Don't go falling for me, honey. Stay loyal to my sister," she chuckled.

"I was just stating facts," he raised his hands up in defeat. "Anyway, are you in?"

"Of course, I'm in. Still a but skeptical about Stray Kids but this is my first mission. How could I ever turn it down?"

"Perfect! Now your plane takes off at ten tomorrow morning. Don't be late. And I'll see you in Buenos Aires."

"You're leaving tonight?"

"Yeah, after this meeting actually. I have a lot on my plate."

"You should go out to the beach one day. I heard Buenos Aires has amazing beaches."

"It does... You're sister took me there multiple times. We would just sit down and talk about our problems... I miss those days."

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