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Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Main Society Headquarters
23 January 2025

You're here!" Lincoln cheered as he watched Paige stumble into his office. It was a perfect square of length seven metres. Three of the four walls were hidden behind shelves of various books, reports and binders, the one space being the one for the door.

The fourth wall was opposite the door and it wasn't necessarily a wall, to be frank. It was just a large window.

Lincoln's desk was on the right side of the room and was covered with papers. It was an utter mess but he didn't even seem to mind.

"Am I interrupting anything?" She asked.

"No, not at all."

He was no longer in the casual attire he always met Paige with. He wore an expensive silk suit and had his hair gelled back. Seeing him like this made her remember Janey. Shaking her head, she pushed the thought out of her mind.

He stood up from his desk and approached her.

"Are you sure?" She asked again.

"A hundred percent," he confirmed. "Has Lily shown you around?"


"Great. So what do you want to do?"

"Uhm... I would like to know where I'll be staying."

"We'll be moving up north by Sunday. There's a mansion up in Chaco where we'll all be staying in. For now you'll be in one of the dorms on the fourth floor."

"A mansion? It's that too flashy?"

"Could be. But no one would think of Chaco. If we aren't in Buenos Aires, they'd think we're in another country all together."

"How long will we be there for?"

"A week or two. I've done some research on Stray Kids and from what I see, Minho and Hyunjin are some of the best hackers in the world. I bet they'll be able to hack into Harrison's systems. We'll be able to find them easier that way."

"You really trust them, don't you?"

"I just have a lot of faith in them. I really hope they don't rebel against us."

"Yeah, well, me too. Anyway, Lily didn't show me where the cafeteria is and I'm starving so let's go."

Lincoln laughed before agreeing.

They walked around the Main Headquarters laughing at each other's jokes. Lincoln had his arm wrapped around Paige's shoulder in a friendly manner.

Seeing Paige reminded many of the people in the Society of Janey and seeing her with the head of the Society just added fuel to the fire. They weren't sure whether to feel bad for Lincoln or Paige. So they settled on both.

"Let me guess," Lincoln grinned as they entered the cafeteria. "You want a burger."

Paige turned to him in surprise.

"What gives you that impression?"

"Do you or do you not want one?"

"I do but how did you guess that?"

His grin widened.

"They were Janey's favourite."

Paige nodded as she took a seat. Lincoln went to get the food and sort some things out.

She must have been waiting for twenty minutes before a group of boys entered the cafeteria as well. There were many places they could have sat at but they chose the long table beside her.

"This place is huge!" One of them (Changbin) commented. Paige noted how he looked somewhat familiar.

"I know right!" Seungmin commented. "So much larger than Channie described it."

"It used to be smaller," Chan tried defending himself. "It was a quarter of this the last time I was here. I swear by it."

"He's right. It was much smaller. They did some renovations and improved it. Did you see the archery range on the ninth level? Or the gym of the third? None of that was there before. The closest we got to archery was darts," Minho commented.

Chan laughed.

"Didn't they eventually get rid of theatre because of us though?"

"They did. We had a group of kids around our age that we hung out with. We were messing with darts and one of our friends hit Changbin with a dart. That's why he has that scar on his forehead."

"I remember that," Changbin laughed. "Hurt so bad."

"Of course it did, idiot!" Minho bit his side playfully.

"Who hit him anyway?" Hyunjin asked. "Who do I need to high five?"

Although none of them realised, Chan and Minho's smiles faultered momentarily.

"Uhm, well, I don't remember that clearly," Chan made an excuse hoping to end it there but instead, ten rest of the boys looked to Minho, praying he would remember.

Minho sighed.

"I think her name was Janey but we can't be sure."

Paige suddenly perked up at the mention of her sister's name. She must have heard wrong.

But then Lincoln returned and glanced at the boys with a smile then looked at Paige.

"And that is Stray Kids," he introduced them. "The boys you'll be working with."

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