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Paige's Story

Less than nine hours after their arrival in Auckland, Paige stood at one of the nearest entrances. Attacking the Main Rebellion Headquarters was risky but after hours of research, Minho confirmed that the Rebellion had imprisoned Harrison in there. It was their only way.

Changbin was her partner, chosen by none other than Lee Minho, who just wanted to get the lovebirds to confess to each other already.

It wasn't that Paige or Changbin worried that the other wouldn't like them back. At this point that much was perfectly clear. However, they were worried about the aftermath. What would happen if they actually said 'eff it' and dated anyway?

"Entrance ten is free," Lincoln's voice rang through their earpieces. Their entrance. "Are you ready to go in?"

"Of course," Paige responded, glancing back at Changbin who was beginning to panick.

"Good. It seems like it will be free for a while. You can go in anytime between now and five minutes. I'll alert you if we need to change the plans. Entrance two, are you ready?"

Paige turned to her partner and sighed, quickly switching her earpiece off then heading to him and doing the same for him.

He glanced up to meet her reassuring smile.

"We'll be alright," she intertwined her fingers with his. "Don't stress. I'll look after you."

"What if things don't go as planned? What if one of us die?"

"That won't happen." She kissed his cheek. "I won't let it. Now, are you ready?"

He nodded, switching his earpiece back on and giving her time to do the same.

"Should we go now?"


Entrance ten lead straight to the Rebellion's weaponry room which was convenient for them as they were given the opportunity to stock up. Lincoln had hacked into the camera systems and made it seem as though nothing was actually happening.

He also cut off ties with Kyla and Cassidy, and constantly watched Chan, Woojin and I.N.

When Changbin and Paige left the weaponry room, the first thing they heard was a loud gun shot coming from the main lobby.

"Should we go see what it is?" Changbin asked.

"Let's get to a higher level first. It's easier that way."

Paige knew her stuff so he didn't even bother questioning it. They quickly, but quietly, made their way to the second level and gazed around them. Rebellion workers were all at the railings, glancing down at the scene below. There was a large circular hole in the middle of the building, allowing anyone to easily look down at the first floor. This made their task of attacking from high ground a lot simpler.

A few more gunshots rang and the chaos only heightened. People on the second floor scrambled to the elevator to either get in on the action or run away but Paige and Changbin were already prepared. Paige had stocked up on pistols and hand knives since they were what she was best at.

Killing a bunch of unarmed Rebellion workers was a piece of cake, even Changbin who wasn't as specialised in field of guns had no problem.

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