Chapter Two: Betrothed!

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"Betrothed?!" My head starts spinning and the world fades out. How can they of all people be together?

"It was part of being king. Father wanted me to marry an original princess." Oh. It's because mother wasn't royal originally. That's why?! Not only am I shocked, but I'm confused. Was he hinting at something there? Oh I'm intensely baffled.

"So this is just some task your father asked of you before he-"

"Yes, Sofia. I have no choice, it was his last wish..."

"How did you even find out, Hugo, no one should go through that alone!"

"My liaison, Aya-"

"Your Majesty, we need you to leave, the nurse must check on Princess Sofia."

"Of course." While the nurse pokes and prods at me, all I can think of is how?! How could this have happened! I feel hurt, confused, betrayed? And of course, the timing is impeccable as always.

The Royal Palace:

"Sofia! You're okay!" Amber runs up to me and hugs me.

"O-oh, Amber?" She lets a tear fall down her cheek. "Amber, what-what day is it?"

"It's a week after Wassalia..."


"I'm afraid I have to cut the chitchat sisters, we have work to attend to."

"Oh, James," I exclaim, letting out a sigh.


"Baileywick, please, attend to the guests from Springard," Amber asks

"Of course Queen Amber."

A/N: Sorry for the crappy update, I promise the chapters will get better xD I apologize... :( Have a nice day though!

Enchant Me (A  Sofia and Hugo Love Story/Sofia the First Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now