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The sun beamed through the window, shining directly into my eyes.

I pulled the bed covers from me and sat up, when i realised i wasn't in my room. My last memory from last night was around 11pm, all of us still sat in Lannan's garden.
Where was I?

I noticed my phone on the bedside table and grabbed it checking my notifications.

Hey, i've left a front door key under the red plant pot. Can you bring my jumper back when you come home, i left it on the table outside. XX

Then it clicked. I must be at Lannan's.
The door then slowly opened and his head peeked from the side. His hair was messy and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Damn. No stop, i've only known him 2 days, i can't fall for him already.

"Oh hey, you're awake" He declared, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge.

"Morning. Is this your room?" I asked

He nodded. "You fell asleep outside last night so i carried you up here. I slept over there." He said, pointing over to the sofa that was the other side of his bedroom.

I then noticed that the clothes i was wearing last night were folded up on a chair. I looked down to see i was wearing some loose shorts and an oversized hoodie.

"Oh, yeah, they're my clothes." Lannan said, noticing me looking at what i was wearing.
The hoodie had a strong scent of Lannan's aftershave, i loved it.

"Don't worry, i didn't undress you" He said giggling to himself while gazing into my eyes. "Steph asked me for some of my clothes so you could sleep comfortably and she got you changed".

After a couple of hours of sitting and talking to each other, Lannan went into his recording room and started to edit a video. I went into his bathroom, changing back into my jeans. I kept Lannan's hoodie on because it was so comfy and i loved the smell of his scent and aftershave.

Once i was ready, i walked through to Lannan's recording room.

"Hey Lannan" He turned around and greeted me with a smile.

"Hi (Y/N)"

"Is it okay if i just wear your hoodie for a bit, i'll give it back?"

"Yeah sure, don't worry about giving it back, it looks good on you" He said, standing from his chair.

"Oh thanks. And, thanks for letting me stay last night"

"My pleasure" He said, smiling.

We walked down the stairs, to his front door.
As i opened the door, i turned to him and pulled him in for a hug. His arms wrapped around my neck as i rested my head on his chest.

"Text me later?" He asked as we let go of each other.

"Of course" I replied.

He then pulled me closer, kissing me. I first became filled with shock, but the butterflies soon overcame that. We kissed for what felt like an eternity, but realistically, only lasted a few seconds.

"Sorry, i got a bit ahead of myself". He explained as we finished.

"Don't apologise for something that i enjoyed" I said, giving him one last hug and made my way back to my house.

Sorry it's a bit short and the lack of updates. It should get a lot juicier, got a lot planned ;). Thankyou for all the reads, votes and saving my story to your reading lists :)

The Aussie Next Door ~ LazarBeam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now