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i woke up, noticing how no light was coming in through my curtains. i rolled over and picked my phone up.


ugh. i was still used to the australian time zone. i turned over to see lannan still sound asleep, snoring with his arms around me. i suddenly sneezed, making lannan flinch and open his eyes.

"sorry baby" i whispered

"what time is it?" he groaned with his sexy australian morning voice.


"crikey. i'm wide awake" he laughed.

"yeah same, do you want to go for a drive?" i asked

"sure, i'll get ready" he replied.

i got up and threw on some sports leggings and one of lannans hoodies which was really big on me. lannan was wearing one of his bloody legends hoodie and some jeans.

we left my room and tiptoed along the corridor and down the stairs, going out onto the driveway.

i went over to my old car that i had before i moved to australia. we got in the car and i slowly pulled out the driveway trying not to wake anyone on the road.

"where are we going?" lannan questioned.

"ummm, there's a beach not too far from here, we could go and watch the sunrise?"

"sure" lannan said, putting his hand on my thigh.

after about 15 minutes of driving, we got to the beach and parked up. just as we got out the car, the sun was starting to peak over the horizon.

we walked along the beach hand in hand and finally sat down together, looking out to the sunrise.

"i love you" lannan said turning to me

"i love you too" i replied, placing my hand on his shoulder and giving him a long kiss.

he set up his phone behind us with the camera facing our backs and the sunset. lannan was sat up and i sat next to him, linking my arm around his and leaning on his shoulder. he had his arm around my shoulder.

the picture took and he went and got it.

"i love it" i smiled

"me too" lannan said, posting it to instagram.

he used the caption
couldn't be happier❤️ @/yourusername

the comments started rolling in

they're so cute!

this is adorable

ew i'm going to be sick

i wish that was me


we spent another hour or so on the beach before heading home. it was 7am so at least someone would probably be awake.

The Aussie Next Door ~ LazarBeam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now