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later today, i was heading to LA for games-con with lannan and the rest of click.

we packed our suitcases the night before so we could sleep in a little bit longer. i woke up to my alarm blaring away, also waking lannan up. as he was excited, he jumped out of bed straight away and did a massive stretch.

he walked around to my side of the bed and leant down, giving me a kiss.

"good morning baby" he said

"morning" i replied and stretched my arms out and wrapped them around him.

he put his arms around my waist and lifted me out of the bed, holding me up. i wrapped my legs around him and smiled.

i gave him another kiss and he leant forwards, dangling me upside down, making me laugh.

"lannan i'm gonna fall!" i giggled

"i've got you" he replied as she started to slightly shake me

"i'll be sick if you keep doing that" i reached my arms down below me and put them on the carpet to try and steady myself when he flipped me back up to face him.

we laughed again before he settled me back down onto the floor.

because we had a long day of travelling ahead of us, i chose comfy clothes to wear. i went to lannans wardrobe and picked out my favourite hoodie that he owned, accompanying it with a pair of my leggings.

once we were ready, we carried our suitcases to the car and hurled them into the back, making our way to sydney airport where we would be meeting the others.

"i'm so excited. i've never been to LA before" i smiled as we pulled up to the airport

"it's an amazing place, you'll love it" he replied

"can we go shopping at some point while we're there?" i asked

"of course. i'll buy you anything you want"

"you don't have to do that"

"i want to treat you" he smiled.

we walked through the airport and checked in at the first gates, sending our suitcases off. lannans phone vibrated and he pulled it from his pocket.

"elliot said that they're all waiting for us in the lounge so we need to head through security" he read aloud

we eventually reached security and joined the back of one of the queues, emptying all our pockets and putting our hand luggage into a tray that got sent off through a machine.

i walked up to the big scanner and took a step through. it didn't go off and i was given the all clear to go and get my things. just as i picked up my bag, i heard the alarm going off, catching my attention and i turned to see who set it off.

it was lannan, of course.

he looked over to me and laughed as he was being patted down by an old man. eventually he was let through and he collected his bag.

"what was that about?" i laughed

"my hoodie strings have tiny bits of metal of the ends of them. i got worried, i thought someone had slipped a bomb down me when i wasn't looking or something" he laughed.

we carried on walking until we reached the boarding gate lounge and met up with everyone.

"you took your time" cray laughed as he saw us approaching

"lannan got stopped by security" i replied, making everyone laugh.

after a while of waiting, our flight was eventually called and we all got onto the plane.

i had the window seat and lannan was next to me with bazza being the other side of him, next to the aisle as he obviously needed as much leg room as he could get.

i clicked my seatbelt in and we all watched the safety briefing. as soon as it was finished, i rested my head on lannans shoulder and fell asleep.


we all stepped off the plane, slightly jet lagged already and got into a big uber. no one had any energy as we were tired. although i had slept most of the flight, i had to be woken up so we could get off, so i was wanting to go back to sleep.

the first day of games-con wasn't until tomorrow so we had some time to relax.

as we reached the hotel, we grabbed our bags from the uber and headed up to our rooms. we were all on the same floor and all next to eachother. marcus and kath were in the room to the left of us with cray and bazza to the right.

lannan and i entered our hotel room and he instantly flopped onto the bed. i shut the door and laid down next to him, curling up into his side.

we had been laying there for a couple minutes, relaxing, when a sudden wave of sickness rushed into me.

i jumped up from the bed, making lannan do the same, wondering what i was doing.

"(y/n)? you alright?" he asked

i went into the bathroom and lannan followed me. i leant over the toilet and threw up. lannan tucked my hair behind my head, rubbing my back to soothe me.

"you okay?" he asked again once i had finished

"i think so. i don't know what happened, i just instantly felt sick all of a sudden" i replied, standing up. i washes my mouth out to get rid of the taste.

"come lay down, you'll feel better after a good rest. must just be from flying" he said, leading me back to the bed

"yeah probably" i replied, laying back down, falling to sleep.

The Aussie Next Door ~ LazarBeam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now