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one week later

we just arrived at the airport, about to head back home to Sydney. i heard a call for boarding and stood up.

just as i was about to walk away, i noticed than lannan had stayed sat on his phone.

"baby our flights boarding we need to go" i said pulling his arm but he wouldn't budge.

"no we don't" he replied, pulling me in so i was sat on his lap

"how come?" i asked

"the other day, you'd fallen asleep in the hotel room and your parents called, you weren't waking up so i answered. they really wanted to see you, and meet me some point before the wedding so they asked if we were busy so i said no and they booked us plane tickets. we're heading there now." he explained

"omg seriously! i can't wait to see them!" i hugged him tightly.

"i just hope they like me" he replied.

"don't worry about that, they'll love you, just be yourself" i smiled, giving him a kiss before hearing our flight being called. we headed over to the gates and boarded.


"ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived on London, enjoy your time and we hope to see you flying with us again soon" the pilot broadcasted to the entire plane.

we grabbed our hand luggage and got off the plane.

"oh. my. god. it's freezing" lannan shivered as he stepped out the plane doors, blowing his breath so he could see the steam coming out his mouth.

"it's not that bad, it's nice to be back" i laughed.

we walked into the airport and collected our luggage and made our way to the arrivals lounge where my parents were waiting for us. we came round the corner to see many people waiting for their friends and family to arrive.

i looked around at everyone, not being able to see my parents when lannan spotted them

"there they are" he said pointing and leading me over to them.

i looked to where he pointed to see my parents standing with a sign in their hands, smiling.

Mr and Mrs Eacott

i ran over to them and gave them a big hug each, lannan giving my dad a handshake and also hugged my mum.

"why Mrs Eacott? we're not married yet" i laughed

"i know, we're both just excited, i'm sure you two are also" my mum replied.

"we sure are" lannan said, putting his arm around me.

we walked to the car and spent the 2 hour drive home catching up, my dad questioning lannan.

once we got home, it wasn't late in England however it was 2am in Australia so we were really tired. we had a cup of tea and went straight up to my old room.

i took lannan upstairs and i showed him where i grew up. luckily it didn't look like how i had it a couple years ago, it was now plain with a few small decorations. we both got changed and went to sleep.

The Aussie Next Door ~ LazarBeam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now