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we arrived back at the house, it was about 7:15am. i unlocked the front door and quietly swung it open in case everyone was still asleep.

we went into the kitchen to get some breakfast to find my parents sat by the island, drinking coffee.

"where did you two love-birds go?" my mum asked

"we woke up really early so we drove down it the beach to watch the sunrise" i explained

"oh okay, do you want to go and pick your brother up from a sleepover? we kept it a secret that you were coming over" my dad said, sipping his coffee.

i was incredibly close to my brother, sam. he was 16 and because he was a little bit younger than me, i had an instinct to protect him and look out for him. i didn't have any other siblings so growing up, other than my friends, he was the only other child i could play with. it was really hard to leave him behind when i moved to australia but i promised him that i'd still come and visit him and he could come and stay with me.

"yeah sure! we'll just get ready. lannan, do you want bacon for breakfast?" i asked

"you know i can't say no to bacon, yes please"


i had cooked up breakfast for my parents, lannan and i. while we ate it, my parents and lannan got to know eachother better.

"so lannan, do you have any brothers and sisters?" my dad asked.

"yeah, i have a sister, who i'm really close to and 2 brothers" he explained.

"oh nice, are they all in australia?"

"yeah, my sister comes and stays with me a lot in Sydney and my brothers live near my parents"

before we knew it, most of the morning had passed and me and lannan went upstairs to get ready.

"babe, i'm going to quickly jump in the shower" i said to lannan as we got up to my room

"i'll join you?" he smirked, walking up to me and placing his hands on my hips and kissing me.

"sure, behave though, my parents are downstairs" i laughed

we got undressed and got into my en-suite shower. the water started running, flattening lannans hair making him look really cute but sexy at the same time.

i turned away from him and started to wet my hair so i could wash it. lannan came up close behind me and put his hands on my waist. i put my hands on his and he started placing gentle kisses on the side of my neck and my jawline.

he got harder, placing kisses on my weak spots making me slightly moan. he span me around and smashed his lips into mine and they moved perfectly in sync. i parted my lips slightly and lannan slid his tongue inside, swirling around perfectly.

after a couple minutes of that distraction, i pulled away for a big breath and kissed him quickly once more before continuing to wash my hair.

just as i was finishing, lannan picked up the shower gel and squirted it all over me.

"you're so annoying!" i laughed, squirting shampoo over him

"very funny" lannan smiled as we both started to wash it off


i turned off the shower and we both stepped out, rubbing ourselves down with towels to dry off.

i dried my hair quickly and put on some black skinny jeans, a white pullover hoodie and white nike trainers. lannan was wearing a grey hoodie, black jeans and some black nike's.

we went down the stairs and sat in the kitchen for a few minutes before we went.

i looked through the pictures that lannan and i took at the beach this morning. there was one i really loved, it was a selfie that lannan took of us both with the sea and the sun rising in the background. i posted it onto my instagram and tagged lannan with the caption
back in my home town on an early morning walk☀️❤️

just as it posted, i locked my phone and got in my car. i put the directions in my phone and drove there.

i was so excited to see Sam. we pulled up into the driveway and i saw him stand up at the window and look out, i don't think he knew it was me.

lannan and i both got out the car and walked over to the front door and i knocked.

Sams friends mum opened the door with sam stood behind her. as soon as he saw it was me his eyes lit up.

"(y/n)!" he exclaimed, running over to me and giving me a hug.

"hey buddy! i've missed you" i hugged him back. "thankyou for having him" i said to the mum and we walked back over to the car.

"i didn't know you were coming" he laughed

"yeah i know, mum and dad kept it a secret from you, they wanted it to be a surprise" i said

he then turned around and looked at lannan,
"gonna sound weird, but i love your videos so much"

"aw thanks dude, it's good to meet you" they fist bumped and we got in the car and drove home.

as we got closer to home, i noticed a familiar car parked out the front. i couldn't really remember who it belonged to, but i think i did. i hoped it wasn't who i thought it was.

my heart started to beat faster as i could see a figure sat inside it, waiting.

we got out the car and i tried to hurry everyone inside hoping that they wouldn't see us going in the house.

we got inside and nothing happened, i thought they hadn't noticed.


there was a knock on the door and i knew it would be them. sam walked over to the door and opened it.

it was james.

The Aussie Next Door ~ LazarBeam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now