9: Once Again

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Authors POV

Rosé took a deep breath before opening her eyes, telling herself she can do it.

As she entered the school building, she saw Lisa and Jimin by the water fountain. She waved at them and ran to them.

"Hey~how are you feeling?" Lisa asked Rosé. Rosé smiled. "I'm fine thanks to Jimin....and you."

While they were busy chatting around, they didn't realize the students were staring at them whispering to each other's ear.

Rosé soon realized what was going on as she heard a female student starting  shouting things out.

"Yah! Park Chaeyoung you filthy slut! You betrayer! Backstabber! Fake friend! Orphan!" Yelled the female student.

Rosé turned around and looked at the girl who yelled those things out.

"What?" Rose muttered.

"You betrayer! Ungrateful person!" Yelled another student. Then many of the students there begin shouting mean things to Rosé.

Rosé looked around, frightened as she covered her ears.

Jimin and Lisa quickly went to help Rosé but before they could, everyone started throwing milk cartons at her.

Milk splattered everywhere but luckily Jimin blocked Rosé away from getting hurt.

Jungkook's POV

Loud shoutings were heard while me and Shuhua were hanging out in the library.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Shuhua.

She shook her head. "No. Why do you hear something?"

"I'm gonna go to the restroom." I said, as I stood up from my seat.

When I got out of the library I headed to the hall instead. As I got there I stood by the corner watching what was happening.

Soon I realized the students were throwing milk cartons at Rosé.

I clenched my jaw. She deserves this.

But for some reason I felt like I wasn't angry at Rosé but at the students instead.

I shook my head. No.

Before I could step in, Jimin came and helped Rosé.

I quickly went back to the corner and hid. Why am I worrying about her? She betrayed me. She deserves this.

I looked back one last time before leaving.

Authors POV


"Are you ok?" Jimin asked Rosé worriedly. Rosé nodded. "I'm fine." She lied when she's actually in pain.

Lisa placed her hand over Rosé's shoulder. "Thank goodness the principle came and stopped them." Lisa said.

"I wonder who told the principle." Jimin said.

Rosé sighed. "I shouldn't have come to school today."

Jimin stared at Rosé. "Let's skip school then."

Rosé looked up at Jimin. "But we can't remember today is the exams. And I don't want to skip another day of school even if I have to go through....THIS."

"This is all Shuhua and Jungkook's fault! Those dirty bi-" Rosé covered Lisa mouth with her hands.

"No cussing in class." Rosé whispered to Lisa.

Lisa shoved Rosé's hand away. "But look at what they are doing to you." Lisa whined.

"It doesn't matter anymore I'm not friends with Jungkook anymore."

"Heh?!!" Jimin and Lisa said at the same time.

Rosé explained everything that had happened last night. Once she finished Lisa stood up angrily. "How dare he!"

"We've been friends for years now and he believed Shuhua than his two best friends!" Lisa raised her voice.

"This has got something to do with Shuhua." Jimin told them.

Rosé nodded slowly. "Hm."

*skipping to next week*

Exams were finally over which means no more stressing over them anymore, and this week the school is putting on a talent show competition. Whoever is the best wins first place, and of course Rosé is joining since she had got a lot of help from Jimin.

But Rosé's excitement disappeared when she heard that Jungkook and Shuhua were going to join the show also.

But that didn't stop her at all.

And today is the last day before the talent show competition starts tomorrow night.

The whole school will be filled with crowds while the judges will be judging obviously.

Rosé's POV

As I was practicing in the practice room I heard laughing and talkings coming from outside of the room. Then I saw two figures enter the room.

It was....


To be continued......

Sorry if this part was short again. I'm truly sorry I'm running out of a little ideas and sorry for not updating for a long time I've been busy with school/work. Hope you guys understand😊😘

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