18: Accept?

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Jimin's POV

"Here's a photo of you and Chaeyoung when you guys were born at the hospital." She showed me as I sat there in silence with Rosé.

"Ah~and here's a photo of you two playing together at the backyard of our old house."

"Mrs. Park...I mean...mom..." Said Rosé. "I..want to know about our..biological father."

Mrs. Park froze. "All you should know about him is that he's a good guy."

"How come you left us?" I asked her.

She froze for a second. "I didn't want you two to suffer because of me."

"When you guys were little. I lost both of my jobs, I had no money to afford food for all of us....so that's why...I left you guys at the adoption."

Me and Rosé broke into tears.

I can't accept this...but at the same time..I miss her.

So all this time the person I loved was Rosé but turns out she's my younger sister......

"I know you two won't accept me as your mother. But I just want to say I'm sorry for hurting you two." She broke into tears.

Rosé stood up and went to hug her while I hesitated.

"I need more time to think this over before I accept you back." I stood up.

"Jimin what do you mean?" Rosé looked at me confusingly.

"Rosé I know how much you must miss mom so if you want to be with her go ahead but right now....I still need to think this over." I looked at the two of them for a bit then headed out.

As I got out of the house I slammed my hand on the wall hardly.

"Why?...why does it have to be like this?" I cried quietly.

*later that day*

I was at home by myself as usual. And I felt a little bad for not answering Rosé's call. But I needed some time alone.

I looked at my phone and scrolled through the pictures of me and Rosé. I guess it's time to move on. Even though time went by fast.

I'll just have to try and accept what I get.

Rosé's POV

"When is he ever going to answer my call?" I stared at my phone.


Suddenly I got a phone call from him. I quickly picked it up.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Hi little sis..."

I smiled brightly. "Does that mean your going to accept mom now?"

"Mm...if it makes her happy and you then why not." He said.

"Thank you Jimin.."

"Mm...well I got to go...bye." He hung up the phone call.

Weird..he never usually hangs up this quick.

I shrugged.

*the next day*

"Heol!" Lisa said. "So you and Jimin are long lost siblings! Which means Mrs. Park is your mother! See I was right. I should become a fortunate teller." Lisa smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Could you tell the girls. I won't be able to tell them today because I'll be busy with my MOM today."

Lisa nodded. "Sure. Is that all you want to tell me to do?" She asked.

I thought for a moment. "Actually could you drop this off at Jungkook's House." I handed Lisa a small box.

"Are you proposing to him!" Lisa jumped in excitement.

"What?! No it's just a bracelet." I said. "I want to give it to him as a gift." I smiled.

"Oh...ok. Anything else?"

I shook my head. "No you can go."

"Ok." Lisa said as she left the house.


"Hello?" I answered.

"Chaeyoung mom made dinner come and eat. Jimin is already here." My mom said.

I smiled. "Yes just let me finish something really quick then I'll come."

"Ok bye."

"Bye." I hung up.

I stood up and jumped in excitement. "It feels great to have a mom."

Lisa's POV

As I was on my way to Jungkook's house to drop off what Rosé wanted me to give him. I stopped at the entrance and took a peek inside.

"She sure does know his taste." I muttered.

I then closed the box and acted like nothing happened. But when I turned to the corner of the entrance I saw Jungkook with a girl.

I gasped and quickly hid behind the corner.

"What is he doing with that girl?!" I whispered.

I slowly snuck my head out and watched what was happening.

"Hold up...that girl looks familiar.....



To be continued.....

Hoped you guys enjoyed it!!😁❤️ ありがと!

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