14. ''It's like a Long Dream''

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Pink p.o.v.

''White, you were here before, right ?'' i asked looking at her. She was looking into nothing and thinking. As she heard me she quickly looked at me and smiled. ''Yes, often that i stopped counting it, It's like a long dream you can't get away from.'' she sighed and looked away again smiling.

I was still looking at her and sighed thinking how could we get away. Then it hit me. I stood up and went in front of White.

''White, you said when they'll try waking us up, we'll can get away from here. When will they try ?'' i asked and looked into her white eyes. It was hard to see them but i still could. She looked at me confused.

''Apparently it can take them 3 days until they'll try. Why ?'' she asked still confused. I smiled and thought. ''Hm, when body gets here physical damage, what does that do to our body in real life ?'' i asked.

She was still confused and thought now. ''Huh, i never thought about that, but i guess your breathing gets more fast and you'll be in pain. Why ??'' she asked standing up. I sighed and went closer to her.

''I need you to hurt me, so one of them notices and they'll try waking us up.'' i said. She looked at me shocked and shook her head. ''Not a chance Pink, i don't want to hurt you and i won't!'' White said madly. I looked at her mad. ''But something bad is coming soon, and we can't be here 3 days !'' i yelled and sighed.

''Look, you almost died, and i don't want that to happen again, please do this for me, do it for us.'' i said and looked at her now calmed down and smiled. She looked at me sad and sighed nodding.

''Fine, but you'll fight back, i don't want only you to be hurted.'' she said and slowly went close to me. I gulped and nod. ''Okay White, thank you.'' i said and smiled. She looked down and punched me in the face hard.

I fell on the ground feeling the pain slowly growing in my cheek. I shrug it off and stood up. ''It can be pointless with my strange, but i'll try.'' i said and run at her.

Blue p.o.v.

I was sitting next to them looking at Pinks phone. I borrowed it for second and played a little. I smiled and sighed looking at her. Still sleeping.

I exhaled. ''I wonder what are you dreaming about or where you are Pink.'' i said and putted her phone in her hand. As i touched her hand she quickly moved with her body a little and exhaled. I looked at her fast and shocked.

''Pink ?'' i asked and leaned closer to her. Nothing, only she started breathing again faster. I sighed and looked at White. She was calm, she didn't move nor breath fast. ''Hmm, weird.'' i said and looked back to Pink.

She moved her body again a little. Looked like she was in a pain. I looked at her worried and leaned closer again. ''Pink, calm down.'' i whispered into her ear and she exhaled. I looked at her face. 

I wasn't far away from touching her head with mine. I looked at her lips. I blushed and looked away. ''Tease,'' i thought and chuckled to myself. I looked back to her and it looked like she was in more pain.

I sighed, i couldn't take it anymore i blushed more and leaned closer to her lips, i looked down and smiled. ''Don't hate me for this,.''

I kissed Pink on the lips deeply and closed my eyes. It felt so right, so passionate and sweet. It felt like a dream, a dream that was fulfilled, her lips very soft and sweet too. I don't want to stop,  it's like a puzzle, we fit so good together.

Pink p.o.v.

''White, i think that's enough,'' i said coughing and holding my stomach. White looked at me sadly and shake her head to sides. ''No, almost, you said you can hear Blue, c'mon Pink, a little bit longer !'' she said and grab my shoulders. 

''I am sorry but, it's working, you can hold this you are strong girl !'' White said and smiled. I chuckled and looked at her. ''What day is today ?'' ''Friday, i think,'' White said confused. ''Why ?'' ''Today i am a woman !'' i laughed. She looked at me surprised and smiled.

''Wait, your eighteen today ?'' she asked and i nod. She smiled and patted my head. ''Well, welcome to the adult word Pink, now i can beat you more.'' she smirked and laughed. ''Kidding, but hold it a little bit longer.'' she smiled and i sighed nodding. ''Okay,''

I exhaled, please Blue help me i don't want to die where i can't die. I chuckled and heard something, ''Don't hate me for this,'' i heard. I looked up fast and woke up. I was awake, away from the darkness. I cheered up but i couldn't move. What's wrong.

I slowly opened my eyes and blushed. I saw Blue kissing me ?! I blushed really hard but didn't move nor pushed her away. It felt...good.

She slowly pulled away and smiled. She was looking down thinking and she sat away from me. She didn't notice me looking at her. 

I exhaled and looked at White. She was still in there, alone. I sighed sadly and looked back to Blue.

She was looking at me. Blushing.


''W-When were you a-awake ?'' she asked flustered and surprised. I blushed more and looked away. ''I um uh, nooww ?'' i said and sit up. She blushed more and looked away. ''I-Uh, i'll go tell Y-Yellow you are u-up, i'll be right back.'' She fastly stood up and walked. ''O-Okay,'' i said and blushed more red. 

I was in shock, big shock, i couldn't think normally, i rubbed my head and thought. Why Blue whyy, it was so nice why did you stopped, goddamit stop thinking like that!

I groaned and looked at White. I remembered and stood up walking to her. She was sleeping calmly, hm, good.

I sat next to her and shake with her a little. ''White, wake up, we did it!'' i smiled and sighed. ''We can't do this without you.'' i said and shake with her more.

She exhaled and didn't move nor speak. I was afraid but i continued. ''White please, wake up.'' i whispered to her ear and she sat up fastly leaving me in big shock.

''Jeezus White, you really almost gave me an heart attack now !!'' i screamed at her and sighed. She was breathing fastly and looked at me surprised. She grabbed my shoulders and looked at me mad.

''Me ?! You almost gave me one in there ! You're body wasn't moving ! You scared me to death i was afraid i punched you too hard!'' she sighed and looked around. ''We are,... back !'' she said excitedly and looked at me smiling. I sighed and smiled too.

''Yes, we are.'' i said and hugged her. She was surprised but she hugged me back too.

''White...'' we heard. 

We slowly looked up and saw Blue and Yellow standing between the door. Yellow and Blue was in tears and we smiled standing up. I helped White and she approached them. They hugged her fast and tight.

I smiled and looked down at my left arm. Healed for now.

As i was looking down i felt hug. I looked up and saw all of them hugging me too. I smiled and chuckled hugging them back all.

We won this fight, but there's still more to happen.

It's like a long dream you can't run away from, but with these three, you can do anything.

finally getting out of the dreams. i guess, and finally kish kish owo !  what do yya think ? what can happen next ? say in the comments !

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